So, I have been thinking about a few things in relation to Central Pattern Generators and Corollary Digschages (cPGs and CDs respectively)
The first thing comes from reading a few of the essays that were written by last year's folks. One woman talked about a group of children who were taught their multiplication tables by doing them along with clapping. The question was asked at the end about why that might be a good way to teach them. I wonder. I think that in many ways, it is beneficial. Corollary Discharge depends on a CPG and can then seemingly go on without the person being "conscious" of it (okay, loaded statement, I know) What I am thinking about is the way that an athelete can routinely perform a certain activity at a certain level. Or, something that I can relate to more, when a pianist can play a piece over and over without thinking about it. CDs are involved in this process. However, if that pianist starts to think to hard about what she is doing, sometimes a problem can arise as the process is no longer automatic. Why does that happen? Learning the multiplication tables with clapping means that clapping may elicit the recitation of the tables in one's head, or out loud, but if asked to really think about them, it might be more difficult. Still it seems like a good way to start. The alphabet song is another one of these types of things. If I'm asked to alphabetize something, I find myself singing that song. There are some letters that I can't remember their order without singing it. Okay, I don't know where I was going with that. I'm sorry, if I sort it out, I'll write more. The other thing that i have been thinking about is phantom limbs. I mostly have questions about that. I still don't understand why the feeling would be unpleasent and uncomfortable (for the limb, I do understand why it might be unplesant for the person to experience something in a limb that isn't there.
"From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had
an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in
another city and "Jeopardy" comes on at 7 P.M. instead of 7:30."
--Deep thought from a random high school student
Yep, internal model, against which input tested, yielding distress when they don't match. Phantom limb discomfort the same? Can't be "for the limb", since perception is a function not of limb but of nervous system. But can be "referred" to limb, since that's the object exhibiting a mismatch of CD and input. That OK? And yes, lots of things not only don't depend on "consciousness" ("I-function" a safer term). We'll talk more about that. PG