Corollary discharges help better understand behavior for several reasons. They provide the connection between CPGs and other parts of the nervous system. This affects how the nervous system processes information and what outputs it has. For example, when I run the images of my surroundings appear to be moving. I know that in fact it is my body that is moving because corollary discharges from my CPGs for my running pattern are sent to the rest of my body telling it I am moving. This message reaches my box for vision and tells my eyes how to interpret the movement that is perceived. This is how I know that I am moving and not my surroundings.

The connection created by corollary discharges between CPGs and other "boxes" of the nervous system also helps account for the different behaviors exhibited by one organism to the same input. A female cricket might not respond to the male song not because it does not hear it or is not inclined to do so, but simply because it might be carrying out some other behavior. The corollary discharge created by that behavior, inhibits an output to the male song.

Corollary discharge signals also help explain why people and organisms in general react differently under the same circumstances. Corollary discharge signals are different in every person, which makes everyone's perception of reality different. This unique perception of the reality makes every organisms inputs and outputs distinct.

Corollary discharge signals help better understand certain patterns of behavior and how it is that the connections between boxes of neurons create behaviors. There still remains much to be accounted for in the understanding of behavior and the workings of the different levels of organization of the brain and the nervous system.

Crystal clear summary of what we talked about. So ... you REALLY think that doesn't account for ALL of behavior? How come? Pg