erin hunter and I have been going through our notes and discussing possible topics for the last 45 minutes. We were going to write another dialouge on the general topic of CDs and how understanding them makes sense of behavior. Basically, we have reached the conclusion that CDs are communication between CPGs (the level of boxes one step above neurons) and that acknowledging their existence is another step away from the linear, causal "stimulus-response" model of behavior towards a more interconnected model. This wider, more permissive model allows for phenomena like phantom limbs, motion sickness, etc. erin wants to say something about choice--that CDs also affect how one must consider the philosophical discussion of "choice" in behavior. (amber: "how so?")
erin: to what effect is the i-fcn controlling behavior, and to what effect is the I-fcn just CPGs and CDs?
amber: every phenomen we discuss will prolly continue to erode the I-function and assign it fewer and fewer functions until it disappears. The I-fcn (in my opinion) is an umbrella under which to put all the behavioral things we don't understand yet.
erin: so do you think that each person's unique behavior can be explained by the individual set-ups of neurons, cpgs, etc. instead of the i-fcn?
amber: couldn't have said it better myself. But I also think that "explanation" of that is near impossible--it's too complex, so much so that it might not even be considered as an option.
erin: i'll be the first to admit that i don't really understand it well enough to explain it.
amber: ok, then I'll be the second. :)
And may never. Indeed, won't ever if it is really true that brain=behavior. Understanding changes brain which in turn changes what is being studied. An infinite loop (seriously). And I think it is true that I-function will get smaller and smaller. For a while. But betcha it DOESN'T disappear. Not, at least, as a distinguishable box. Which, yes, has the same things making it up as the rest of the brain, but which bears a distinctive relation to the rest of the brain. PG