The concepts of a motor symphony and central pattern generation express the fact that the nervous system is a highly organized system of neurons which interact together in many ways to express behavior. The motor symphony itself is very organized depending on numerous neurons being active in relation to other motor neurons. Central pattern generation is interesting that the nervous system has the ability to play out motor symphonies without sensory input.
In the experiment done with the earthworm, where it's nervous system connection was severed, it was still capable of movement when it's skin was sutered. Here the motor score does not exist but the motor symphony is created when played based on sensory input which allows for movement.
Another experiment which involved central pattern generation was in the absence of input that the worm was able to move. Although this experiment was not entirely proof positive, it was interesting to know that it generally was successful. The worm's midsection's muscle and skin were removed and all was left was the nervous system. The referent path was destroyed but movement was possible.
A number of motor neurons can be activated because of some muscle movement therefore resulting in a lot of action potentials which will result in the activation of numerous motor neurons. This is characteristic of a motor symphony. This activation can be described as what results in behavior. The previous experiments mentioned above on worms give us a lot of information on how the nervous system may work on invertebraes but not exactly for vertebrae species. If we were able to come up with more specific ways to learn more about the nervous system, we may find a way to cure those who have been paralyzed. Looking at these earthworm experiments seems to add to this future possibility.
Yep, and it really is true that the same concepts hold for vertebrates and invertebrates, with the latter being (in general) much easier to study (at least for many sorts of problems). PG