The knowledge of there being genetically based series of behaviors raises many questions. So, far, the direct scope of research has been limited due to the complex nature of the nervous system, but there are many things that can be inferred. We know that coordinated movements are either learned or genetic patterns of neuron firing. The independence of these patterns from input has been shown by cutting cats spinal cord from the brain and cutting their dorsal root. That cats still have the ability to walk on a normal pattern, proving that the pattern is contained in the spinal cord and is not dependent on input. In humans, we often practice things to become better at them. This accounts for the coordination of typing fast, or a pianist playing a specific piece. This would also account for the ability to ride a bike, and how once learned is never lost. The specific coordination of the balance muscles necessary for staying on a bike must be learned. But once it is, a person can ride a bike for the rest of their lives because this balance become a specific pattern in the spine.
But there are other more interesting behaviors that can be examined from this approach. In crickets, it was shown that their output of mating songs in males and the preference of songs in female is genetic. Some interesting studies on humans have been done on identical twins. While these studies are obviously not as conclusive as crickets because many more variables are involved, they do show some interesting things. Two of the most dramatic behavior related similarities in twins were in alcoholism and homosexuality. In a study of separated fraternal and identical twins traits were ranked by what percentage they appeared in both twins. In identical twins, if one twin was homosexual or alcoholic, there was a 100% correlation with the other twin having this behavior. Only 70% of fraternal twins were alcoholic and 50% of fraternal twins were both homosexual. Additionally, it is popular knowledge that alcoholics often have alcoholic children. But this could be because the children grew up in a house with an alcoholic parent, and so we must be careful to designate this trait as fully genetic, as it may be partially environmental. Since there are many environmental factors in the life of a human, these numbers and studies are not conclusive, but they are very interesting. They indicate that there may be a much more genetic aspect to our behavior than we realize.
Yes, but careful with numbers (I think yours are higher than studies I've seen) and with the notion of a genome/experience dichotomy. Almost all behavior, certainly all "complex" behavior, is influenced by both genes and experiences. PG