Imagine that every time you tried to move was like learning from scratch what movement was and how to create it. This is fundamentally where we would all be if we did not have such a concept as a motor symphony. The construct of the motor symphony erases all this re- creation and gives us a basis to start from because movements are 'recorded' and stored for later use.
Another wonderful thing about motor symphonies is that coordination is basically made easy. I cannot think how many times I have stepped or moved multiple limbs in coordination with each other to fulfill only simple actions. These kinds of things are daily or even hourly activities, such as walking, and cannot be done without working together in perfect timing. Of course, some of us are lucky to have more coordination than others--I cannot count how many times I might have mistepped and tripped, or dropped an object due to mis-coordination.
It is important that behaviors can be seen as at least a part of motor symphonies. By understanding that there are automatic mechanisms for movement functions we can begin to understand why many people exhibit similiar behaviors and also why people vary in the particulars of their motions. I think it is also important to have theory such as motor symphonies and CPG so that there is a starting point for understanding the physical outputs of the nervous system. By building up the 'symphonies' we will be able to obtain a larger picture, eventually, of complex behaviors such as facial expressions and gestures. This is only the start!
Yep. And practically a pretty good start (in my experience, anyhow), for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Gives a foundation which helps to define the next questions. PG