I think I need more exapmles and evidence for both the motor symphony and the CPG. I am certainly not convinced that it is one or the other; as I shouldn't be because things are rarely absolutely one or the other when the nervous system is concerned. I'd like to say that both are involved, which I think is true, but I really want to know how. The notion of a motor symphony, as of now, has a stronger base with me because it concerns integrating inputs immediately, and I suppose we have simply talked about more examples of it in class. What concerns me is the notion of where the CPG arose. Do we already have such information stored when we are born and it just takes time to come out? Or do we need to learn it and it develops its own CPG once we have learned it. Not to say that it needs to be one or the other, but I'd like to look further into the subject; possibly the issue of nature vs. nurture could arise, which happens to be one of my favorites. I think that we do hold a lot of information when we are born, but also that most of what we know and do is learned. So, we could already have a(or several) CPG at birth for certain behaviors, but many behaviors are learned. Those behaviors, however, that we have praciticed and can do without needing inputs(though we may not know whether inputs were included), have they created their own CPG? Is that possible? I think both motor symphonies and CPG can exist simultaneously and both work to create behavior, but the CPG nothion fascinates me, and I 'd like to learn more.
Clearer after more class discussion? Motor symphony is just the complex spatial temporal pattern of motoneuron discharge which underlies any movement. CPG is one possible explanation of such symphonies (use of sensory input another), which may or may not be strongly influenced by genetic information (yes, nature/nurture and important and interesting subject). PG