A person whose spinal chord is broken but can still express emotions and think and have behavior raises the question, what exactly causes behaviour and if only their mind is working while the rest of their body remains stagnant, are they able to behave at all?

The first thing needed here is a definition of what behavior is. If we classify behavior as the response to a PHYSICAL stimuli, like withdrawing a foot from hot coals, then, ofcourse, this hypothetical body can perhaps experience a stimulus but not react, thus not exhibiing behavior.

However, If behavior can include mere thoughts in reaction to a color, action or something else in the environment, then by all means, Behaviour is possible in this hypothetical body. (I tend to lean towareds our latter definition.)

Since, in my eyes, a person can "behave" even without a spinal chord in tact, it leads one to the belief that the "I function" or the "person" within us all, lies somewhere in the brain. Whats interesting is that, with the additional loss of control of one body part and then another, we can prove that that is not where the Ifunction hibernates. It is a type of "process of elimination" which leads us to the emininent conclusion that such a function exists, and that it exists in the brain.

Science continues to explore new areas and correct previous theories with new knowledge, and I can't help but think that one day, a revelation in the I function will occur, and that this imaginary, or at least what I know now of it at this point, pretend human function, is actually something quite simple yet in a different sort of dimeension that nobody has yet thought to look. Then again, the mere thought of modern science begining to understand the i function, in terms of artificial intelligence and replication is frightening.....sometimes, what one doesn't know can't hurt you.

I think Iw ould like to continue studying human biology as it is now and let the I-function remain a mystery......

Understand your trepidation. On the other hand, what one doesn't know frequently CAN hurt one (and does). I'm not sure I am following your argument exactly, but the "process" of elimination does indeed provide an important way to locate things ... subject to the important reservation (discussed in class) that something may be said to be somewhere but not that it is not ALSO somewhere else. PG