It is easy to believe in the assertion that the brain is made of tiny "boxes" called neurons, as this can be verified by physically viewing them beneath a microscope. It is not so easy, however, to reconcile this belief with the statement that the brain = behavior. If the brain = behavior and the brain consists of neurons, one should also be able to say that neurons = behavior, but this raises a few questions. The brain consists of thousands of neurons working together; how many neurons = behavior? Is one tiny box capable of housing that which we call behavior? I do not believe that this is possible, but I do believe that thousands of neurons working in harmony with each other can produce the physical reactions that we term behavior. In other words, I believe that the brain can produce behavior, but I do not believe that the brain is behavior.

I'm not sure I understand your final line, but the argument up to that point is an interesting one. How many neurons = behavior? I think we'll find that that depends on which example of behavior one is interested in. Relatively few neurons suffice to produce (be?) some behaviors. Lots and LOTS are necessary for others. Withdrawing a foot from a painful stimulus can (as discussed in class) be done with fewer neurons than we have. Withdrawing a foot AND saying "ouch" requires (is made up of?) more. PG