The classic dichotomy of mind vs brain seems to be a matter of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. The brain, neurons, synapses, neurotransmitters, nerve fibres, electrical impulses- these are all part of a "greater" whole that seems to incorporate an added dimension.

Human beings have created myriad explanatory constructs so as to exert a sense of "self", a sense of external and internal "awareness" that strives to shrug off their absolute dependence on the physical realm. Consequently one endeavours to develop a "higher" sense of "self" that transcends one's physical environment. Thus Eastern theologies urge that suffering and hardship must be borne stoically, in order to advance the evolution of the soul. Ironically, the idea of "me, myself and I" exist within the confines of the physical brain, or so it must be believed currently, for lack of evidence indicating otherwise. Disconnecting the mind from the brain cannot help but hinder a fuller understanding of our place in the universe.

It seems that it will eventually be possible to account for both sides of the dichotomy, indeed, the paradox, of mind and brain, in terms of the brain. Yet to explain the phenomena of consciousness, individual identity, a sense of "person"- briefly, the link between physical reactions and processes occurring within the body and brain, and the manifestations of these processes, which collectively are termed "behaviour", seems to be what scientists and philosophers will have the hardest time explaining.

Fair enough. More than fair enough. Two questions, maybe. Coherence (sense of self) and the feelings associated with the experience of the brain working (consciousness). Not sure we'll fully handle them (or are yet fully handleable, but we'll at least get to them). PG