I think that behavior must be defined as output from the brain, and so I have had a difficult time separating the two. I think that almost all behavior can be accounted for in terms of nervous system output stemming from brain activity. After recognizing and interpreting environmental cues and integrating them into signals recognizable to the nervous system, the brain then channels this information to the appropriate area and we behave accordingly. Although this is over-simplified, it serves as an elementary model for behavior. The only idea that I found could not be fully explained by this model is differences among monozygotic twins, that I think was mentioned in class. If twins share exactly the same genetic make-up, and are exposed to the same environment, why are some twins so totally different from one another? I guess this can be answered in part by saying that each interprets stimuli in their environment differently and their subsequent behavior is effected by their own distinct interpretation, and then distinct nervous system processing. But, if their brains are identical, why should they process information differently?

Will talk about twins some more later. But certainly implication of brain=behavior is that if twins behave differently, their brains must be different. Obvious question is how they got to be different. Any guesses? PG