If the brain is behavior, one encounters the problem of a proof. Some functions and behaviors will be much easier to account for than others. I believe that accounting for the processes which relay a "change of mind" or a new decision will be the hardest to account for.
Why, when the same stimulus is used in a control environment, do we see a representation of the Harvard Law of Animal Behavior? Why would it seem like the brain had simply given up and chose not to follow its previous pattern of behavior? Looking a little bit deeper, why may a human decide upon one behavior and before the behavior has been executed, change it's mind? Second thoughts, something we all have one time or another, could be simply a reanalysis of the information. However, I must question why the brain did not make the latter decision first instead of deciding upon one action and the redeciding?
If the brain is behavior, the question of spiritually will most certainly be raised. What of Saul of Tarsus? Did the brain just want to see an image of God? Many people will argue that God chose Saul, an evil man, and converted him to good, when in fact the brain is behavior, and the brain must have made a conscious or subconscious decision to "see" God and change the man's pattern of behavior. If Saul's pattern of behavior were to simply make a 180 degree turn, then we must assume that something in the brain itself was altered. We must assume that there was a logical reason the pathway of the previous behavior was altered and a new behavior displayed.
I do believe that the brain is behavior, most convincingly because the trend of evidence seems to suggest it. There will be behaviors and processes which will be hard, maybe impossible to account for. Yet, when presented with all the evidence and forced to make a decision, a well-informed person will go with the best model.
Its not always so easy to decide on the best model. Maybe there are always at least several equally good models? Anyhow, you raise some very interesting issues. What IS involved in "changing one's mind"? Does something change when one (or Saul) does that? That, at least, I think we can come up with an answer to. PG