Bio 202 Spring 2005

Class List as of 26 January

The following is a list of enrolled students as of the above date. Please note that the number of enrolled students is just about the limit of those who can be accomodated in available facilities. Those with question marks after their names have yet to contribute to the on-line forum, and should do so to assure continuing enrollment.

Students whose names do not appear on this list have not contributed to the forum nor indicated in some other way serious engagement with the course, and should contact me with any questions or concerns.

1 Allen, Cambria
2 Barie, Catherine
3 Bentz, Leslie
4 Berrouet, Mousson ?
5 Bitler, Liz
6 Black, Courtney ?
7 Burgess, Beverley
8 Cheng, Catherine ?
9 Culler, Camilla
10 Cyckowshi Laura
11 Davis, Amanda
12 Deterding, Erin
13 Diamond, Elizabeth ?
14 Dockery, Lauren
15 Dolphin, Bridget
16 Fiamma, Lavinia ?
17 Frintner, Carly ?
18 Giamanco, Kristin
19 Gillich, Kara
20 Griffin, Georgia
21 Hosada, Aymuma ?
22 Huntingdon, Nadine ?
23 Student Contributor
24 Khan, Nadia
25 Kuang, Shu-Zhen
26 Lim, Xuan-Shi
27 Lipuma, Christine
28 Madresh, Elizabeth ?
29 Marciniak, Ann ?
30 Matney, Kate
31 McGovern, Mary-Katherine
32 Michaels, Flicka
33 Mobley, Elizabeth
34 Patel, Neema ?
35 Price, Rhiahon
36 Richenbacher, Elizabeth
37 Rosania, Jenna
38 Safro, Sofya
39 Sano, Yinette
40 Sarandon, Stephanie ?
41 Scott, Joanna
42 Shafagh, Jasmine
43 Siddiqui, Imran
44 Sklar, Alfredo ?
45 Sniezek, Sarah
46 Thomson, Samantha
47 Tomasulo, Anna ?
48 Trinh, Emily
49 Venditta, Amy ?
50 Wetherille, Patrick
51 Yoon, Sae Rom (Lily) ?

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