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Time to Think?
- interactive
Pattern Detection and Serendipity
- interactive
Competition and Cooperation
- interactive
Blindsight: Seeing What You Don't See
- interactive (requires Java)
Seeing More Than Your Eye Does
- interactive
Tricks of the Eyes, Wisdom of the Brain
- interactive (requires Java)
Simple Networks, Simple Rules: Learning and Creating Categories
- interactive
The Free Will Problem
- interactive
Serendip, Brain, and Behavior
- an article
A neural uncertainty principle?
Mind and Body: René Descartes to William James
- an exhibit by Robert Wozniak
Brain Matters
(A question and answer forum for K-12 students)
Neurobiology and Behavior: A course and a conversation
Multiple reviews of Descartes' Error, by Antonio Damasio
Germinal Zones (places to look in search of new insights into brain and behavior)
Brain and Behavior: Index of Topics
Buddhist Meditation and Personal Construct Psychology
The Gift of Saturn - Creativity and Psychopathology
Music, The Brain, and Ecstacy, by Robert Jourdain (a book review)
Exploring the Consciousness Problem:
- a course and resource base
Additional Resources
Neurobiology at Serendip
National Insitutes of Mental Health
has excellent online booklets on a variety of topics including Learning Disabilities, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Neuroscience for Kids
, a nice set of activities and resources
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© by Serendip '96 - Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-May-2018 10:53:11 CDT