To all visitors:
Serendip was born in 1994, and developed forums in 1996. The forums have been and continue to be a place where everyone is invited to make comments, ask questions, and carry on conversations about anything and everything that comes to mind when exploring Serendip. As such, they have been and continue to be an essential part of Serendip's development. At the same time, any developing organism needs periodically to refresh itself. The past remains but is put in boxes to clear the mind for the next part of the future. So have we done, as of today, with Serendip's forums. All past material is still available, by clicking on highlighted years above to access forum archives. And we have, as of today, a blank slate for the next phase of Serendip's development. If you have been here in the past, you're already a part of what Serendip has become so far. Please leave your thoughts as part of the next phase of Serendip's life. And if you're new, please join in as well.
Interesting References
Following are suggested references which I have found useful:
(I have used the Tessellation and Symmetry Lessons from the above site)
Favorite Algebra I Text for an Urban Setting
Applebaum, Peter (1995). Popular Culture, Educational Discourse, and Mathematics, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Delpit, Lisa (1995). Other People’s Children Cultural Conflict in the Classroom, New York: The New York Press.
Ginsburg, Herbert P., Russell, Robert L. (1981), Social Class and Racial Influences on Early Mathematical Thinking, Rochester, University of Rochester.
Nelson, David (1993), Multicultural Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics from a Global Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nieto, Sonia (2000) Affirming Diversity, The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Oakes, Jeannie (1990), Women and Minorities in Science and Math, in Courtney B. Cazden (Eds.), Review of Research in Education, Vol. 16, pp. 153-222. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association Publishers.
Rivera, Diane (1998), Mathematics Education for Students with Learning Disabilities, Austin: PRO-ED Inc.
Sleeter, Christine E. (1997) Mathematics, Multicultural Education, and Professional Development, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v28 n6 p680-96 Dec 1997.
Secada, Walter (1992), Race, Ethnicity, Social Class, Language, and Achievement in Mathematics, Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, part IV, page 623-660, 1992.
Wilson, Patricia (1993), Research Ideas for the Classroom High School Mathematics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Zaslavsky, Claudia (1996), The Multicultural Math Classroom, Bringing in the World, Portsmouth: Heinemann.