This is a new section of Serendip . We hope and expect it to grow rapidly in the near future, and would be delighted to have suggestions about directions in which it could move.
- Two cultures or one?
- Science as "getting it less wrong"
- Science as discovery or invention?
- A debate between Stuart Kauffman and John Horgan, from Hotwired's Brain Tennis
- Science Matters: Research that could change how we think about ourselves
- Are we alone in the universe?
- New evidence about Mars, from Science magazine, with links onwards
- New evidence about Europa, from NASA
- Current Galileo status
- Current status of Mars Global Surveyor and Pathfinder missions
- The SETI Institute has updates, with nice links to the Drake Equation, and beyond
- Lessons from human evolution
- Multiple branches in our recent family tree?
- Homo erectus (Java man) contemporary with Neandertal, H.sapiens 30,000 years ago?
- New York Times, 13 December, 1996
- Science Research News (possible restricted access beginning 1997)
- The original article in Science (13 December 1996) (possible restricted access beginning 1997)
- Australian rock art from more than 70,000 years ago?
- New York Times, 21 September, 1996
- Commentary from Origins of Mankind website
- Caucasoids contemporary with Amerindians 8,000 years ago?
- New York Times, 30 September, 1996
- Update and commentary, from Archaeology OnLine News
- Additional Resources
- General Academic Resources
- Forum
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