Welcome to Serendip's Post Office

Seen something on Serendip you'd like others to see? One of our images fits something you want to say to someone else? Or someone has sent you a postcard from Serendip? If any of these are so, you've come to the right place. Here you can both send Serendip postcards and pick up postcards that others have sent you.

Photo by Dave Krohn

Send a Postcard

Not all of Serendip's images are available as postcards, but a lot are (and we're always adding more; if there's one you want particularly that we don't have, write us). You can see what's available by clicking on the "Send a Postcard" link above. Pick one, write a message (you can include links and other images if you like), preview it, and send it off.

Postcards are handled by the Serendip mail service. The person you write to will get an email with a claim number and a URL for the Serendip Post Office. By clicking on the URL and then entering the claim number, they will be able to retrieve the postcard you sent. Postcards need to be claimed within two weeks, after which they disappear. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy Serendip.

Pick up a Postcard

If you've gotten an email saying that there's a postcard waiting for you on Serendip, all you need to do is to click above and you'll find yourself at the Serendip post office pickup window. Enter your claim number as given in the email (easiest thing is to copy from the email and paste in the request form at the pickup window), and you'll have your postcard. Unless you've waited too long since getting the email (after two weeks they disappear). You can, of course, reply to whoever sent you a postcard by clicking "send a postcard" above to send them one. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy Serendip.

Some Sample Postcards

Last modified: Thu Jan 27 15:51:28 EST 2000