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Topic: Behind the Jungle Gym

Playgrounds are a wonderful place for romance, usually conducted in discrete corners behind one or another piece of playground equipment. Serendip's playground is no exception. Michael and Blaire have been meeting here since early October but never had the needed equipment for discretion. To correct the matter, we've added this special area. You're welcome to follow the romance (or to start one of your own), but please don't bother others.

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Serendip's forums sometimes get longer than what can conveniently be accessed and displayed. They are, at the same time, in their entirety an important part of what Serendip has become at any given time (and, of course, particular contributions may well be of lasting significance). To try and balance needs for easy display and those of continuous and permanent record, only this year's forum comments are displayed on this page with earlier comments being preserved elsewhere. To go to the forum for prior years, click on the year below.

Year: - 1998 - 1997 - 1996

Name: Blaire
Subject: Michael
Date: Sun Sep 6 17:07:49 EDT 1998
We're still together and we're still having fun:-)
Name: Blaire
Subject: Us
Date: Mon Oct 19 23:33:10 EDT 1998
I am not so sure anymore...I am just not so sure... I know I love you but maybe that isn't enough, because something is missing and I really wish it weren't and I don't know if it is the best idea to sit and just wait for our magical moment because it is all about making that happen now--and how can we since we're apart??? Oh how much easier it would be if I didn't love you so much
Name: Blaire
Subject: boo-boo
Date: Fri Nov 6 01:10:35 EST 1998
I was really on crack when I wrote that above message--a low point!! So sorry, I do love and it is lots of is great how well we know each are the greatest, and we rock together...I love you bunches, darling-- :-) Thanks for all the argument, it is a blast!! and it makes me smle lots... My hot honey, look how far we have come..
Name: Superstar
Subject: Mickle
Date: Fri Nov 6 11:14:56 EST 1998
Have you visited?? Why didn't you say anything?
Name: Tracey
Date: Fri Jun 11 11:12:51 EDT 1999
how do I send a fried here to talk to me? Like the idea of behind the jungle gym.
Name: Christy
Subject: ROMANCE!
Date: Fri Jun 11 15:03:36 EDT 1999
Hey I want one of these behind the scenes romances damnit! How do I get one, too? lol Christy
Name: anonymous
Date: Mon Aug 2 16:55:09 EDT 1999

Name: Blaire
Subject: Michael
Date: Tue Nov 9 01:08:43 EST 1999
I can't believe I just did that and said what I said--because truly I already miss you and miss us and hope this isn't the end of it all because that is something I simply could not bear. I will love you forever and that is the surest truth I have to offer.

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