Neurobiology: Amplified Abilities of the Deaf
by Heidi King

This is the first stage of an exploration of the neurobiology of deafness. These links offer access to an ever increasing body of facts about the advanced abilities of those non-hearing individuals who use sign language. In many such individuals, particular brain regions exhibit distinctive patterns of activity in comparison to people who don't use sign language. Just click on any of the underlined titles to see how the brains of deaf people have developed ablilities which exceed those of average hearing people.

HandSpeak: A Sign Language Dictionary Online
Sign language in motion. First visit this site to anchor your understanding of the neurobiology of signers.

Sign Language and the Brain
Discusses the development of alternative hemispheric activity in the brains of deaf signers.

Mapping Neural Systems of the Deaf
Descriptions of current psycholinguistic research.

Deaf World Web
Connects to countless sources of current and recent research of importance to the deaf community.

Deafness and Telepathy
Draws the link between telepathic abilities and deafness and suggests that speech evolved due to a loss of human telepathic ability.

Neurobiology of Sign Language
Explains the advanced abilities of many deaf signers in the areas of motion processing, generating mental imagery and processing facial expression.

Seeing with the Auditory Cortex
Research from the University of Oregon showing that deaf people process visual images in the areas of the brain normally used for processing sound.

If you know of things that should be added to this list, email me at