This page gives access to an on-line forum (click above) where you can
read what others have said and leave your own comments.
This page will also provide an index to archives of previous discussions as
they develop. For the present, the forum and related materials are private;
only those knowing the URL of this page (currently only NAC committee members)
have access to it, either for reading or for posting.
This forum is both a way of continuing our discussions of networks and how to build them, and itself an experiment in building networks. On-line forums make possible a kind of communication which is in several senses intermediate between face to face talking and more formal writing:
So, let's see whether we can continue and capture here some of the "process" of thinking through network building that we were excited by at our first face to face meeting. Like there, the objective here isn't to be "right" but rather to become continually "less wrong", to be learning from what other people have to say and contributing to the ongoing development of other peoples' thoughts by making available one's own.
If the forum is successful, it will serve not only to bridge the gaps between our face to face meetings but also to create a record of the evolution of ideas about network building which will be useful to others, and an exemplar of one new kind of virtual network which others can make use of. Should we decide that it is appropriate and useful, archived material can readily be made generally available (edited as necessary).