FitzSimons' Technology Community
Featuring Multimedia Arts
By P.Outing and O.Cunningham
Our mission is creativity and exploration. Using Multimedia Education we can address the diverse learning styles of our Small Learning Community (SLC). Technology will be the primary source of support for our SLC. Technology will be implemented in three general areas : curriculum, instruction, and media services. Our students and staff will be introduced to multimedia design with the assistance of our technology leader.
Multimedia is an exciting new field of intergrated technological communications that is becoming an important part of business, education and the entertainment industries. Multimedia has renewed energy in business which has led to employment opportunities for individuals who can combine sound, graphic arts, text, video, film, animation or robotics. We plan to explore computer platforms (PC, MacIntosh), monitoring systems, storage systems and presentation systems to improve the dissemination of information.
We are aspiring to be a Multimedia Educational Community providing experiences in the following project areas through our core curriculum.
>Web Support Technology
>Students will explore internet media such as Shockwave and Java and learn the strengths and limitations of major delivery channels and platforms. Students will be introduced to corporate advertisements on websites and expected to design and create their own web page. Click on
>Audio and Video Production
>Students will cover news gathering, scriptwriting, lighting, video and audio editing. They will explore many cameras and live show productions, directing, special visual effects and video graphics.
Try Multimedia Dimensions' introduction &
try "iMC Services."
>Computer Animation
>Students will learn to use computer technology, desktop video production, and 3-D modeling systems such as Macintosh, Photoshop, scanners, printers and presentation equipment. Most of the titles on the television programs, news casts, and commercials are done with computer animation.
DS Design shows some interesting examples.
What is Computer Animation in Television?
>Through the study of computer science and engineering, students will be introduced to robotic devices that can move and react to sensory systems. Robotics is one form of artifical intelligence.
Click here for a robotics example.
More robotics.
>Graphic Designers
>Students will use creative talents and skills to produce logos, annual reports, ad layouts, brochures, and more.
There are some graphic designs illustrated under "Free Web Art
Computer Art is Graphic Design, Click here.
>Interface Design
>Students will learn three dimensional (3-D) designs. Interface design technology is the art of designing models, technical development, aesthetics, problem solving, callaborative skills, and special effects
Click here for interface design.
Interface with human-computer interaction
>students will develop photography skills by learning about color, design, visual expression, computers, view cameras and digital imaging. It is our desire to have students advance to instructional business practices, studio and portrait photography with some exposure to darkrooms.

.... from Jon Elder Productions
Model Photography
A Stock Photo Agency
>A student will learn to use computer drawing to express the main idea of written materials such as stories, poems, and thoughts. Click here foe illustration samples
>Students will be introduced to programs written in an interpreted language such as Perl or Java. Scripts usually provides simple instuctions for data and browser management. NBC News
Our staff will implement instructional use of technology to support careers in math, science, agriculture , engineering and media services. Students and staff will be able to communicate with people throughout the world having access to the information super highway (Internet). Students will learn to use technology for animation, graphic designs, videography, photography, robotics, communications, and illustrations while generating "live action" reports and demonstrations. Teachers will attempt to use technology through challenging and rewarding activities. Students will need to experience many aspects of technology, to prepare them for life-long skills in the 21st century.
Course Expectations
It is anticipated that the projects described above will be addressed in some or all of the courses whenever the subject allows.
>This course is designed to promote a clear and compelling form of communication, both written and oral. Students will develop writing, reading,
research and critical thinking skills or an increased appreciation for language as a form of communication. It will also include the use of all forms of literature such as novels and poetry.
>The objective of this course is to review basic concepts and skills for students of all levels of achievements using diverse learning styles. The focus will encompass whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, measurement, graphing, algebra, and problem solving.
>This course will allow students to become more aware of their environment. The why's and how's of life are answered through lectures, lab experiments and observations using the scientific method. They will also explore the concepts of shape, texture and the illusion of space. Robotics will be introduced through science, engineering and mathematics as a form of artifical intelligence.
>This course responds to the inner and outer world of middle school students considering their social and behavorial issues. Through the reading of relevant essays and stories, journals, creative projects, research and cooperative learning group discussions, students will question their own thoughts, develop new study skills, and explore the learning process. This course is designed to increase their self-awareness, creativity and critical thinking skills.
>Social Studies
>The objective of this course is to have students analyze and familiarize themselves with past and present copyright laws along with registration and licensing procedures and applications. Copyright history, laws, and applications are studied in depth along with case studies and our American and World History.
>Computer Science
>This course introduces the student to the computer. Emphasis is placed on using the computer as a tool throughout the curriculum. Several computer platforms are discussed and integrated software is taught.
>This course is a study of artistic trends in the 19th and 20th centuries in Europian and American societies. Assignments will be designed to explore surface qualities, texture, image layering, automatic distortions, color theory, and color mixing.
Young people benefit from exposure to a wide variety of experiences from which they may take different but equally important lessons. Service learning expands the opportunities and learning experiences available to young people in a school to work system. This type of diversity develops a broad range of interpersonal skills while offering youth the opportunity to learn about experiences different from your own. We will attempt to have a service learning career day involving parents and community as mentors in a " Take A Child To Work " day.