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Fridays in the Lab Forum

WELCOME to the on-line forum for "Friday's in the Lab" at Bryn Mawr College. This is a place for students, teachers, and others to think together about some of the questions, ideas, and reactions they have about doing science. Like all Serendip forums, it is a place for informal public conversation, a place to leave your thoughts in progress for whatever use they may be to others, and to find the thoughts in progress of other people for whatever use they might be to yourself. Join in, and let's see what we can learn from each other and make together.

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DNA testing can help to identify individuals
Name: Dr. Tamara
Date: 2005-02-03 13:25:41
Link to this Comment: 12484

DNA testing can be used to identify individuals in a variety of situations. Examples that have been in the news recently include the case of a 5 month-old baby who was dropped off at a hospital in Sri Lanka following the tsunami in December 2004 (New York Times, January 26, 2005). No one knows who brought the child in, where he was found, or whether he has any relatives who survived the tsunami. His existence was publicized, and nine couples have come forward claiming that he is their son. DNA testing may be able to determine if the baby is actually the son of any of these couples.

Another example involves the claim that Mozart’s skull has been unearthed. Mozart was buried in an unmarked grave in December 1791. Several years later, a skull was unearthed, and there has been a controversy for the last 200 years as to whether or not the skull is really Mozart’s. Traditional methods of identification, such as dental records, have been inconclusive. Researchers are now in possession of bones from Mozart’s maternal grandmother, and are hoping to perform a comparative DNA analysis to determine if the skull is Mozart’s (Science, volume 306, pg. 1129).

Some things to think about…

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA analysis could be used for identification purposes?

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional fingerprint analysis?

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? Do we need to have a person from whom to collect a sample? Might a person leave something behind that would allow us to obtain DNA?

what other ways dna could be used
Date: 2005-02-08 11:22:57
Link to this Comment: 12653

That dna could be used to solve who jilled some one if the killer left behind dna evidence such as skin hair blood and other body fluidies and it is more useful then finger prints because they stay around longer and are places where finger prints are not

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Matt Makra
Date: 2005-02-08 11:23:46
Link to this Comment: 12654

Identification can be used to look at who a father of a baby is. Some parents cheat on eachother and therefore the child might not be theirs, so DNA is also used to trace who the baby daddy is.

Name: Chris Terr
Date: 2005-02-08 11:23:51
Link to this Comment: 12655

You could do one on the breading of animals. Some breeders are very serious and would want a pure bread so they could do a blood test (not the best idea but Ehh)

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Emily
Date: 2005-02-08 11:25:32
Link to this Comment: 12656

In 9/11 many people had to be identified by their family and friends. So there were many DNA anylisis of the tooth root in the jaws. Which they went back to dental records to find the person and who they were.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Mike Brenn
Date: 2005-02-08 11:26:25
Link to this Comment: 12657

You can use hair the they get from a hat or something that is left behind. You can also use blood type if the person is injured.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Michael Ta
Date: 2005-02-08 11:26:25
Link to this Comment: 12658

When people are looking for another person when they did a crime.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Devin Ursi
Date: 2005-02-08 11:26:28
Link to this Comment: 12659

I find that DNA anyalis is more useful in identification in the case of Motzarts bones because the flesh has been decomposed due to the time in the grave but this would also work for a corpse who has no fingerprint or foot prints. THis is also useful in the case of a accident to a criminal in which a form of identification is nessary.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Michael Ta
Date: 2005-02-08 11:28:01
Link to this Comment: 12660

Because theirs alot more stuff in DNA that finger prints doesn't have that might be usful to the people who is using the DNA.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Matt
Date: 2005-02-08 11:29:20
Link to this Comment: 12661

Some people can change their finger prints using the new technoliogly or they might burn their fingers so it would be impossible to identify who the person is. So with the DNA it is impossible to change your DNA analysis so it is easier for law inforcement to identify who the person is.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Michael Ta
Date: 2005-02-08 11:30:36
Link to this Comment: 12662

They could use finger prints. Not sure who could do that probably scientist.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Emily
Date: 2005-02-08 11:32:20
Link to this Comment: 12663

A DNA analysis is more effect than a finger print analysis because sometimes their finger prints would not be on record, making it difficult to identify a person. With a DNA analysis a person can be identified because you don't need a record for a DNA analysis.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Matt
Date: 2005-02-08 11:36:49
Link to this Comment: 12664

Many law inforcement agencies use the DNA from cups, gum, spit, and other products that have been licked or have a trace of siliva left on it can be used to collect the DNA.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Emily
Date: 2005-02-08 11:38:44
Link to this Comment: 12665

Basically it can be anything that was a part or attached to a persons body or toached by the person in any way. It be a simple hair or blood on a torn piece of clothing. You do not need to have the body of a person to do a DNA test, you can have a cup that they used and find which side their lips touched or the sweat from their hands. It is definate that a person might leave something behind in which you can use the object to do a DNA test on.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Antoine Mc
Date: 2005-02-08 13:33:15
Link to this Comment: 12667

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: drew Marti
Date: 2005-02-08 13:33:27
Link to this Comment: 12668

it can be used for identification purposes since every one has a different genetic code. the only way dna testing wouldn't work is with twins

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Josh Haber
Date: 2005-02-08 13:34:14
Link to this Comment: 12669

You can use DNA analysis for indentification purposes for finding something important out in a crime investigation.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Steve Chor
Date: 2005-02-08 13:35:23
Link to this Comment: 12670

If someone was in a fire and if his/her face couldnt be idenitified; DNA would be used to figure out who that person is.

Curiosity Killed the Cat
Name: Catherine
Date: 2005-02-08 13:37:09
Link to this Comment: 12671

How long have you been working here in this business?

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Josh Haber
Date: 2005-02-08 13:38:32
Link to this Comment: 12672

DNA analysis is more useful then fingerprint analysis because DNA will tell you more precisely about your family because DNA is heredity and fingerprint might not work because someone might have had gloves on

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Steve Chor
Date: 2005-02-08 13:38:36
Link to this Comment: 12673

If someone weared gloves while commiting a crime, we wouldnt be able to tell who it was but if they dropped maybe a hair spec. Then DNA would fall into play and would help us to make out who was at the scene.

an you come up with another scenario where DNA ana
Name: James Raym
Date: 2005-02-08 13:39:31
Link to this Comment: 12674

DNA research would be able to find unoknown reletives and find were people have been by checking their DNA

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: drew Marti
Date: 2005-02-08 13:39:49
Link to this Comment: 12675

dna is better than fingerprints since blood doesn't smudge like finger prints and can be obtained from more sources than the fingers.

another way dna can be used is to find the relationship of animals like the evolution of apes to human

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Antoine Mc
Date: 2005-02-08 13:40:18
Link to this Comment: 12676

You can use DNA for insurence frad, so that way people know whether or not if that the insurence belongs to them.

DNA testing can help identify individuals
Name: David Soff
Date: 2005-02-08 13:40:29
Link to this Comment: 12677

You can use DNA testing to identify what kind of primate bite you. I am so awesome i can use html

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Date: 2005-02-08 13:42:06
Link to this Comment: 12678

You could take blood from a person willing to do it or take skin particals from them at a crime scene to find out if it matches

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Date: 2005-02-08 13:42:57
Link to this Comment: 12679

You can use anything that the person had contact with such as a cup that they drank out of or a piece of his or her clothing.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Steve Chor
Date: 2005-02-08 13:44:10
Link to this Comment: 12680

A hair spec. Yes. Yes such as a hair spec.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Antoine Mc
Date: 2005-02-08 13:46:11
Link to this Comment: 12681

Because DNA never changs, but if a figurprint has a cut it could change.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Evan
Date: 2005-02-08 13:47:23
Link to this Comment: 12682

Many rape cases use DNA analysis.

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Andrew
Date: 2005-02-08 14:07:04
Link to this Comment: 12683

Can help solve crimes by testing evidence left

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Chris Will
Date: 2005-02-08 14:07:49
Link to this Comment: 12684

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA analysis could be used for identification purposes?
in many crime cases

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Andy H
Date: 2005-02-08 14:07:55
Link to this Comment: 12685


Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Ethan Book
Date: 2005-02-08 14:08:32
Link to this Comment: 12686

At a murder scene there could be fluids such as blood. Scientists could take the DNA from that and compare it to their suspects and see who commited the crime.

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: andy
Date: 2005-02-08 14:09:30
Link to this Comment: 12687

because it would be more accurate

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Chris Will
Date: 2005-02-08 14:09:38
Link to this Comment: 12688

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional fingerprint analysis?
because you can not wipe off all the dna from a crime sceen but you can wear gloves

Can you come up with another scenario where DNA an
Name: Andy
Date: 2005-02-08 14:09:46
Link to this Comment: 12689

Cloning, and the development of vaccines.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Chris Will
Date: 2005-02-08 14:11:06
Link to this Comment: 12690

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? Do we need to have a person from whom to collect a sample? Might a person leave something behind that would allow us to obtain DNA?

we can use hair, we do not need a person, and a person might leave behind hair.

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Andy H
Date: 2005-02-08 14:12:47
Link to this Comment: 12691

yes we needa person from whom to collectg a sample from. a person may leave a some hair around or maybe a finger nail or possiblely a finger

Why is DNA analysis more useful than traditional f
Name: Andrew
Date: 2005-02-08 14:13:32
Link to this Comment: 12692

Criminals can use gloves to hide finger prints

What can we use as a source of DNA for analysis? D
Name: Andrew
Date: 2005-02-08 14:16:13
Link to this Comment: 12694

Hair and Skin

DNA Analysis
Name: Jack
Date: 2005-05-04 11:35:36
Link to this Comment: 15033

A rapist left his victim in the woods outside the city. He also had taken a leak against a tree, as observed by the yellow mark left in the snow. The urine was extracted from the tree bark enabling DNA analysis

Good stuff

Forum Archived
Name: Webmaster
Date: 2006-08-14 12:12:03
Link to this Comment: 20163

This forum has now been archived and is closed to new postings. If you are interested in continuing the conversation, please contact Serendip. We like to hear from you.

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