Women Living Well: Mind and Body Connection Forum
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Name: Amy Campbe Date: 2004-03-17 13:54:35
Link to this Comment: 8853 |
1. Introduce yourself to your e-forum
2. How do you define "Living Well" What are some of the obstacles that prevent you from reaching your "living well' state and what are things that suppport your efforts? How as a community, can we better support 'living well' as a central part of the campus culture?
Living Well
Name: Paula Andr Date: 2004-03-19 01:02:25
Link to this Comment: 8883 |
My name is Paula Arboleda, and I am currently a junior Political Science major. Hello Group A. Sorry for the uncreative title.
Living Well is obviously about being able to access basic things like food and shelter. It also means being able to sleep well, exercising, and being involved in something that is emotionally and/or personally rewarding. Living well is also about having strong friendships, having a social life, and being active in a community. One of the most difficult things about achieveing my most ideal "living well' state is balance, which sounds cliche of course and is probably impossible, but I still think that keeping physical, emotional, and mental well being in perspective is very important, and it is something I aspire to.
One of my biggest challenges to living well is sleep and lack of exercise. I don't feel like I physically take good care of myself. I always assume that when I have more time that I will. (I will eventually take care of it) I have been lucky that I don't get sick very often, but I don't want to burn out.
My activities and strong friendships are supportive of my "living well." I think they are sources of what emotionally and mentally keep me focused, happy, and able to return to Bryn Mawr. Those are the tanglible things that continuously challenge and inspire me.
Anyways, i think in order for students at Bryn Mawr to "live well," campus culture needs to find ways of de-emphasizing the importance of academics. Although there is no doubt that people want to do well and that they have "work" to do, there are other aspects of our lives that are probably more rewarding and interesting. At the end of the day, no one really cares how much work other people have and whether they stayed up for days trying to do it...so can we please stop talking about it. Bryn Mawr women need to chill out. Telling people how much work you have may be a way of competing with others, but at the end of the day, it is not that deep. It needs to be emphasized that bryn mawr women are capable, efficient, and even intelligent women, but that is not all that they are. A 'living well' campus culture must involve rethinking prioritizing and thinking about what is truly important in our lives.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-03-19 10:53:50
Link to this Comment: 8889 |
Hello! I'm Katie Feno, a junior English and Anthropology major.
I feel that living well is about achieving a balance in one's life. With so many demands that we have to face everyday, it can be a challenge is remain "on top of things" as well as physically and mentally healthy. This means that we must eat, sleep, work, do "chores", exercise and stil find time to have fun. I definitely have a problem finding enough "fun time" as I tend to set ridiculously high standards concerning what I wish to accomplish everyday; I end up leaving very little down time for myself.
An area of concern at Bryn Mawr is definitely the community's complete emphasis on education. While receiving an education is the reason for us to be here, it is also important that we find a balance between work and play. I have seen many people "burn out" because of the amount of work they had to do, lack of sleep, and/or the copious demands that were placed upon them.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-03-19 10:54:26
Link to this Comment: 8890 |
Hello! I'm Katie Feno, a junior English and Anthropology major.
I feel that living well is about achieving a balance in one's life. With so many demands that we have to face everyday, it can be a challenge is remain "on top of things" as well as physically and mentally healthy. This means that we must eat, sleep, work, do "chores", exercise and stil find time to have fun. I definitely have a problem finding enough "fun time" as I tend to set ridiculously high standards concerning what I wish to accomplish everyday; I end up leaving very little down time for myself.
An area of concern at Bryn Mawr is definitely the community's complete emphasis on education. While receiving an education is the reason for us to be here, it is also important that we find a balance between work and play. I have seen many people "burn out" because of the amount of work they had to do, lack of sleep, and/or the copious demands that were placed upon them.
living well 1st post
Name: Michele Dr Date: 2004-03-21 16:00:38
Link to this Comment: 8926 |
hello, my name is michele drejka and i am a senior and a bio major. i was not present in the first class due to illness so bear with me if i am a bit off point.
i would define living well as living a healthy lifestyle while at the same time doing something that makes you happy in life. i understand that the mind/body connection is very important, and that mental health definitely influences one's physical health.
in my utopia of living well there would be no such things as requirements, deadlines, or time frames, because these are the things that i would say contribute most to my personal overall stress level and the decrement of my mental health, but i realize that a functional community is not possible without such things. what i am trying to say is that it is important to work at one's own pace, in disciplines of one's own choosing.
one of the things i like best about bryn mawr i the intellectual freedom and leighway often given by profs and administration, who have the time and willingness to care about students individually. this isnt to say that i ignore deadlines, but it is nice to know that in the face of trouble you won't be alone--even if you dont need any help, the knowledge that it is there and available should you need it is a comfort and reduces my stress levels considerably.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-03-22 16:00:33
Link to this Comment: 8941 |
My name is keta and I am freshman at the bmc. I have not yet declared a major but I would like to do something that would result i me going to MED school in the future.
How do I define living well???? Living well for me is having a balance between work, sleep, socializing, and entertaining myself. If I can achieve these things, that means that I am living well in my life. Currently, I am not getting enough sleep so that upsets my balance a little bit. I do a little bit of everthing each day because all of those things are equally as important in my everyday life. There is one aspect of living well that I failed to mention because I fail to do it most of the time. Exercising is important to me but I lack motivation to fulfill that requirement. Lately, meaning the past couple of days, I have been doing that but who knows what will happen in the next couple of days.
For the community of Bryn Mawr to emphasize living well, there will be a need to cut down on the amount of work so that students can have more time to do other activities that fit into their living well schedule.
Living Well Revisted
Name: Paula Andr Date: 2004-03-23 11:03:01
Link to this Comment: 8964 |
Hello again!!!
In all of our postings we identified somewhat similar definitions of what it meant to "live well." I guess the question I continue to have is what REALLY prevents us from living truly well. Obviously I don't have an answer to that but i think it is an important question. For example, I don't worry about my physical health until I get sick. If I am not sick I assume there is nothing wrong with me. Yet I am a very "active" person; i am involved in lots of activities and I know logically that in order for me to be involved in these activities and do them well that I have to physically be healthy. How come this realization does not translate into action? How come it doesn't motivate me to go to a doctor for a regular check up? I know the example seems trivial but I think it speaks to a larger issue. any thoughts?
Name: Date: 2004-03-23 21:40:41
Link to this Comment: 8971 |
Hi my name is Fritz- I'm a english major at this lovely institution.
There are diffrent things that keep me living well on this campus. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work or what ever esle is going on and can forget to take care of self, or do a half attempted job. Then a friend wil intervine and tell you just how ragged you look. Leave it up to your friends to let you know just how good you don't look.
Some things that prevent living well on this campus is the fact that there is a heavy concentartion placed on studies and not the body that enables you to study.
living well
Name: Marisha Ba Date: 2004-03-29 15:52:54
Link to this Comment: 9053 |
Hi, everyone! I'm Marisha Banerji, a sophomore and a chemistry major.
Living well is about making the best use of your resources, It is about doing the best you can with the conditions you find yourself in to be healthy, emtionally balanced and stable, and to find a balance that is right for you. Anything that prevents you from finding a balance, such as too much stress, is an obstacle to living well. In order to promote living well this campus must help students to find balances in their lives,such as between work and leisure by encouraging activities, sports and clubs.
Name: Adina Date: 2004-03-30 01:35:38
Link to this Comment: 9071 |
Hello Group A, I'm Adina. I'm a junior bio major with aspirations to become a geneticist once I finish all of my schooling.
When I think of living well, I think of a balance between all of the aspects of my life. This includes having time for a satisfying meal (even if it is not a nutritional one), time for studying, time for recreational activities, be it on the weekends or just relaxing after a long day, and most importantly, time for sleep. Even though I don't always pay attention to wether or not I am meeting all of my food group requirements for all of my meals, i do realize that a "healthy" meal and exercize are also important to living well. Some people are of the philosophy that your physical health is not so important as long as your mental health is still good, but until i become an old woman, this philosophy does not fit in with my notions of living well. Unfortunately, my schedule will only allow fitness to fall into the recreation category, which means that i don't always have time to keep in shape. However, no matter what one has to do, the key to living well is finding a good balance between all of the conflicting aspects of good living. This is just about always hard to achieve, but anyone who can solve that mystery has found the key to a happy life.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-03-30 08:57:07
Link to this Comment: 9085 |
As I read through the rest of the comments, I found that, for the most part, we had very similar definitions of living well. Then I had to wonder why, if we know what it means to live well, are we having trouble actually doing it? For me at least, reading other people's definitions and reflections was sort of a wake up call that, on a large scale, something needs to change--things need to be done differently. But, that too is hard, I think. Maybe it's an unconcious thing-- we don't realize that we need to change until we actually sit down and think about it.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-03-30 15:41:28
Link to this Comment: 9089 |
After reading evryone's response to the question, I really got a sense that most of us have similar ideas on what living well is to them. We all said that having a balance with our daily activities, whatever those may be, was the most important thing. I think that everyone should make an effort to achieve that balance every day even if you havaen't int he past. I believe that one day we will all be living well.
Week 2 Balance
Name: Amy Campbe Date: 2004-04-02 12:58:24
Link to this Comment: 9130 |
Professor Cassidy talked about the importance of a positive emotional state and how it can have a strong impact on cognitive development, how we make decisions, discern connections, the ability to think broadly about issues etc. What are some examples of how you have experienced the benefits of a positive emotional state and how, as a small class, might be able to support a cultural shift which reflects the importance of balance in the lives of students. What is one thing you could do, each day-each week, which would encourage positive emotional balance in your life and in the lives of your friends??
Name: Michele Dr Date: 2004-04-02 13:25:02
Link to this Comment: 9133 |
The concept of positive emotional states makes sense to me because i feel like personally i am more awake mentally, more prepared and more astute when i have been taking good care of myself. when i am stressed, i am not that sharp and tend to not perform as well in class or even enjoy time spent with friends, because my mind is often somewhere else.
last night i made my friend take a break from her paper and take a long walk with me around campus. i know that sounds lame but we actually had a lot of fun and when we returned to the dorm, she thanked me for making her take a break, and told me she needed it. she was much more happy and awake by the time we returned (as was i) and we both felt mentally refreshed.
Why being positive is important?
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-03 14:54:01
Link to this Comment: 9140 |
In general, I think I am pretty positive. This does not mean that I am excited and happy all the time, if you know me, you'd think I was lieing. I am calm, which has a positive effect on my life and school work. My famous phrase is "it's not that deep." I use this phrase very often especially as it applies to academic work. For me, I need to keep my life, work, and activities in perspective. Sometimes the feeling that things won't get done overpowers one's ability to realize that they will. This does not mean that one shouldn't be proactive about being positive and getting stuff done, but giving too much importance to assignments, projects, failures etc prevents one from stepping back and realizing what is truly important in one's life.
In order to foster an environment of positive emotional balance, I think it is important to surround yoursef with people who value it, and who struggle with it. Balance is difficult. It's also important to have friends who hold you accountable for your lack of balance. Sometimes, you need someone to tell you, even when you don't want to hear it, to chill out. Lastly, i think we all have the capacity to be encouraging and helpful to those around us. In order to foster an environment of postive emotional balance, we have to be more attentive and receptive to other people's needs.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-04 13:25:48
Link to this Comment: 9146 |
I always try to stay positive, even when I'm stressed and/or not having a particularly good day. I find that negative thinking just worsens my mood and heightens my anxious, stressed- out feelings. Sometimes, the simple act of smiling makes me feel better. Everyday, I take out some time (whenever it's needed) to do some de-stressing, non-academic activity. I read, watch a movie, cook, play a game, color, etc.- knowing I have the freedom to do something that I really enjoy - even when I have a lot of work to do- makes me feel less stressed.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-04 13:45:10
Link to this Comment: 9147 |
I do find that positive thinking males you emotionally ready for a lot of things that you have to face. I, however, don't always think positively and it does seem to worsen a situation. It is so hard for to make that switch from thinking negatively to thinking positively. Thinking negatively does put me in a slump where I'm left feeling helpless for a long period of time.
Name: Marisha Ba Date: 2004-04-05 12:14:51
Link to this Comment: 9167 |
My way of thinking positively involves always trying to focus on the best aspects of any situation i find myself in. I try to rationalise as much as possible instead of worrying and panicking, and trying to plan for eventualities and imagine worst case scenarios.
balancing bmc
Name: michele dr Date: 2004-04-06 16:32:38
Link to this Comment: 9210 |
sometimes i feel as though too much bryn mawr can be a bad thing. this bubble is suffocating if you stay here too long. i have an off campus job that i credit with keeping me sane, via getting me off campus every other day or so and introducing me to different people, who arent ever stressed about theses or schoolwork. i feel like interacting with them is beneficial to me in the sense that i am not overwhelmed by the sense that EVERYBODY is studying and immersing themselves in school work, because outside of our bubble it is not so. they dont need deans and dining halls and they are not politically correct. its refreshing to interact with a different slice of humanity and i recommend it to anyone who can afford the time. its also beneficial to my balance within work itself, as "work" to me can mean poring over tedious biology papers in the psb, or serving up martinis to main line republicans with a smile. either way, it provides me with some variation to my life and is important in my personal balance.
Name: christina Date: 2004-04-06 19:15:17
Link to this Comment: 9213 |
I also consider myself a positive thinker, though I have learned to be careful not to cross too often the line of idealism. You can think positively yet realistically, but sometimes the difference between ideal and reality becomes blurry. I, too, have found the bubble we call Bryn Mawr a stressful factor in my life because everyone is always deeplying immersed in their work and when you aren't, you feel like you're doing something wrong. When I am stressed, even right now, while I work on my thesis, I like to make time for myself where I can walk in the city, take a scenic drive, walk around the farmer's market, or read a book. Many say you shouldn't avoid your problems because they will still be there when you return, but this way, when I do return my mind is refreshed and I can continue my concentration.
I believe the definition of living well is learning to balance your work, pleasure, and time for yourself- all of course, while thinking positively.
Positive emotional state
Name: Fritz Dubu Date: 2004-04-06 21:41:55
Link to this Comment: 9215 |
When I am in a positive state of mind the day is more enjoyable and finds a way of speeding by. As a small class we have to first foster conversations concerning the benefits of positive thinking and living a balanced life. The next step is to take those conversations outside the classroom. It was funny how we had previously discussed how at BMC it's easier or more acceptable to speak of stress than the solutions or methods that can be used to dealing with stresses. I actually found myself having a conversation about maintaining balance with people who were not in the class. One thing that can be done each day to help encourage positive emotional balance in my life and in the lives of my friends is to consciously start the day. By this I mean take the time in the morning to enjoy the day you are going to have. Make an effort to place yourself in the right frame of mind to deal with any and everything the day has to offer.
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-07 00:39:21
Link to this Comment: 9223 |
From people's comments, it seems that most people value positive thinking and realize the benefits of thinking postively when life gets crazy. At the same time, however, I'm not sure all people can switch on their positive thinking when they feel like it and rationalize themselves to keep their work and stress in perspective. I also find that there aren't that many spaces for people who have a difficult time being positive or
looking on the bright side for them to talk about it. I'm sure there are techniques that people use in order to channel their energy more positively. It would be interesting to see how people who aren't "positive" thinkers can develop ways of doing so.
positive thinking
Name: marisha ba Date: 2004-04-07 02:09:56
Link to this Comment: 9225 |
From people's comments on positive thinking, it seems everybody realises it's importance in dealing with life in general, and the high stress lifestyle of this college in particular. From what I've seen around me, everybody is stressed most of the time so every little bit we can do helps.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-07 11:14:16
Link to this Comment: 9229 |
From the comments that people left, I can see the importance people place on not only thinking positively but on helping others around them to de-stress. Like we discussed last week, it would be much more helpful for people to talk about (be competitive about?) fun, non-stressful activities rather than immense work loads and lack of time. Also, I think Paula was spot on when she pointed out that not all people can simply think positively and remove themselves from a stressful situation. I think it would be very helpful to think of ways in which those people would be better able to handle the stress in their lives.
Name: Adina Date: 2004-04-07 11:55:58
Link to this Comment: 9231 |
I know the importance of maintaining a positive emotional state, because i too suffer from that problem of getting in a negative state and finding myself shut down. Once I figure out that I'm not achieving well in one of my classes, and I feel hopelessly behind, my performance in other classes drops as well.
I love movies. Inorder to create a positive mental state in myself, I watch one of the movies from my big movie collection, sometimes with friends, sometimes by myself. I know which ones will put me in a good mood and make me better able to get moving on things I have to do. Watching a movie as a social event benefits the lives of my friends as well. I think we all feel as if we a leading more balanced lives by allowing for these simple pleasures.
Fitness week 3
Name: Amy Campbe Date: 2004-04-11 19:57:18
Link to this Comment: 9267 |
Jody Law presented a good over view of why fitness is an important component of balance. What are the things that help suppport your own fitness routine and what are things that present a challenge? How (realistically) can the challenges be over come?
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-11 22:30:19
Link to this Comment: 9272 |
My fitness routine involves a lot of walking from place to place around BMC or Bryn Mawr town. That's the only walking that I get in on a daily basis. Sometimes, if the spirit hits me, I will go to the gym and that usually makes me feel better about myself. One ostacle to going to the gym is the location of the gym. I don't see why the gym is at the bottom of a hill at the far end of campus. The walk to gym is usually fine but the walk back is what makes me tired. another obstacle is that the free time that I have to myself I would rather spend it sleeping or doing something relaxing that leads to me sleeping in the end.
Name: marisha ba Date: 2004-04-12 00:11:53
Link to this Comment: 9274 |
My fitness routine is almost nonexistent, unless you count using my legs to get from place to place. My biggest challenge to building one is all the other claims i have on my time that always seem more important (although they probably are not.)
Name: adina Date: 2004-04-12 03:51:30
Link to this Comment: 9280 |
At the moment, the only thing that is keeping my fitness routine existent is the fact that i need one more gym credit, so i basically have to go to my weight training class every tues and thurs. other than walking to my classes, that has been about the extent of my fitness routine for the entire semester. The things that have kept me from maintaining a regular routine outside of class are my laziness, my lack of commitment and the fact that i'm okay with the way my body looks. i have never really felt that i particularly needed to lose weight, so i didn't care enough about being fit. I think that for me, the only real way to make a routine stick would be to make as many of my friends as possible join in my routine because then it would be a social gathering as well as something that is good for me. Also, i need to have others in the "program" who can make sure that i get out of bed and to the gym. i need a support group to make me go. now the only problem is to convince others that they too want to exercise.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-12 10:25:03
Link to this Comment: 9282 |
My fitness routine involves yoga and self-paced jogging. While I always make time for my twice weekly jogging (because I need to do it for a gym credit), I notice that I can slack on doing Yoga a lot more easily. My biggest obstacles are undoubtedly time constraints and lack of energy. Because I often feel better and more energized after doing only 20-30 minutes of Yoga, I'm going to make a conscious effort to not only vary my routine but to do it three times a week.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-12 20:15:52
Link to this Comment: 9295 |
After reading everyone's response, it's obvious the everybody would like to be a little more active but there is a lot of things holding them back. one thing that everyone needs to remember is that the walking that they do from building to building is a form of exercise so you shouldn't knock yourself too much.
Name: Michele Dr Date: 2004-04-13 14:18:30
Link to this Comment: 9338 |
i am an avid diver and love swimming, so i swim normally a few days a week or whatever my schedule allows me. usually 3 or 4 days a week for about 40 minutes, just doing laps. its very calming. but i am just recovering from pneumonia and i havent been able to swim for a while now, and it is bothering me that i cant swim. i think once you get into a habit of exercise you like, you look forward to it and start to really need it.
Name: Fritz Dubu Date: 2004-04-13 21:53:33
Link to this Comment: 9348 |
Something that supports my fitness routine is the physical and mental benefits. I can sleep better at night and if I exercise early in the day it becomes easier to think. Also I feel better knowing that I actually did something instead of thinking it to death, just the act of doing something is freeing. So for me the best seems to be yoga or something i can do anytime anywhere. The greatest challenge is my laziness. The laziness to schedule an exercise time and the mumble and grumble it takes me to the gym.
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-13 22:35:36
Link to this Comment: 9350 |
As mentioned in one of the comments, my fitness routine involves walking around the campus, the town or bryn mawr or philly. Currently, I am not taking a self-paced walking course, but in the past that was part of my fitness routine. I will admit that i don't take fitness too seriously. By this I mean that it is not a priority, and I know it should be, but I really feel like I lack the motivation and discpline to stick to some sort of fitness routine so I just don't bother.
Name: Katie Date: 2004-04-14 08:41:30
Link to this Comment: 9358 |
From reading everyone's comments, I see that, like me, a number of people lack either the time and/or the motivation to stick to a fitness routine. I also noticed that the people who said that they usually DO stick to a routine typically enjoyed what they were doing AND felt better about themselves. After taking Jody's Wellness class last quarter, I know that I started thinking more seriously about fitness and how important it really is. Still, I have not been able to develop a routine, due in part to the above reasons (although I am currently trying to exercise on a regular basis).
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-14 16:23:07
Link to this Comment: 9368 |
I guess what I would like to discuss is how can we be trained to see fitness as integral to our schedules and life, as opposed to an extra thing, or add-on. I think in helping me change my perception of what fitness is and how it can be incorporated in my life will make it easier for me to deal with the challenges that I see now--lack of motivation, lack of time, lack of discipline.
Week 5 good and bad stress
Name: Amy Campbe Date: 2004-04-15 12:17:40
Link to this Comment: 9384 |
Reggie led a conversation articulating the differences between good and bad stress and also acute and chronic stress. Patterns of behavior are established early on as freshmen at BMC - how can those patterns be changed to address the good suggestions made in the class to deal more effectively with stress? Is it possible to change to reduce the amount of stress students often say they are under? What will you do this week- next week to alleviate stress and enhance your positive mental state?
Name: Adina Date: 2004-04-18 21:46:09
Link to this Comment: 9424 |
this post is related to last week's question about making and maintaining an excercise routine. i had said in my last post that making a routine with friends would be a good idea, and now i can confirm it. i've finally started a program with a few friends of mine and now we go swimming two or three times a week as well as bike riding together now that the weather has gotten better. it feels really good to know that i'm doing something that's good for me.
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-18 23:36:16
Link to this Comment: 9425 |
I have noticed that every time I am part of a conversation that has to do with stress, I end up becoming more stress than I was. But anyways. In the past couple of weeks I haven't been as serenity now or chillaxed as I usually am, which has severely affected by ability to get stuff done and to be optimistic about my ability to do so. In order to get out of this slump, I have done the following things: 1.called family--I figured their lives are so much crazier than mine that talking to them helps me keep my life and work in perspective 2. read for pleasure 3. wrote a work action plan, and stuck to it 4. spend more time in my room. These things are definitely not miracle makers, but I have found that stressing about work and what has to get done just causes anxiety that only further prevents me from being productive and proactive about my mental state. Really I don't have time for that crap. Sometimes I need to get to the point where i know this stress is irrational in order to enable myself to move on and deal with it.
I don't know if this answers the question, but reggie's presentation made me think about such things.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-19 10:22:23
Link to this Comment: 9434 |
Like Reggie said, stress can be a good thing or bad thing and while some of it motivates me to get stuff done, I have also been on the other side of the spectrum-- so chronically stressed that I couldn't eat or sleep (let alone get work done). So, now, I do everything possible to make sure I never get like that again. I always take time out to read (for pleasure), play a game, or color. Talking to my mom and boyfriend and/or writing in a journal always make me feel better and help to put things into perspective. I also do yoga and try to meditate every day (even 10 minutes helps!!). Avoiding conversations about stress and workload is also a huge help.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-19 20:20:35
Link to this Comment: 9446 |
I think that people at Bryn Mawr needs to remember that they breathe with everything that they do. I think that that would be extremely helpful. Some people forget the simpliest pleasures that they have when they are really stressed. It is possible to reduce stress by changing a few things in everyone's life but everyone needs to realize what that stp might be for them. I spend time by myself in my room listening to my favorite music and looking out the window. I ususally leave my room feeling less stressed than when i came in.
good/bad stress
Name: michele dr Date: 2004-04-20 15:01:10
Link to this Comment: 9488 |
i have always thought of myself as a pretty non-stressed person. before reggie's presentation i didnt know there was such a thing as good stress. but it makes sense, and i see where i could use some good stress. without it, i am unmotivated and i dont really get anything done. sometimes its difficult to see that not having enough to do with yourself can lead to a cycle of lethargy and procrastination. and procrastination only makes me feel worse later. i have noticed that at certain times in my life when i have a lot to carry (work/school/sports), i am more well-organized and efficient, probably because of the good stress. i know this sounds ridiculous, but i think that currently i need to make more work for myself, so that good stress can get me involved and motivated and organized.
i had this same problem a while ago, where i was so bored i was practically wasting away, and so unhappy. the only way i could figure out how to get out of the funk was to take to drastic action and change my entire life. i got my divemaster's certification for scuba diving, and moved to mexico to work on a scuba diving boat. i was there for 3 seasons and i loved every minute of the day. while it may sound like a piece of cake, i had a lot of responsibilities, and i knew i had taken them on all by myself, (against the advice of my parents), and it was GOOD STRESS that motivated me all day long. sometimes piling a whole lot onto your plate seems rash, but it can also give you the motivational boost you need.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-20 22:18:09
Link to this Comment: 9498 |
I think that we all agree that talking about stress makes us more stress than we actually are because it gets us really thinking about everything that we need to get done in that short amount of time. WE should all try to remember that usually our stress is acute stress and in a short while it will all be over.
Name: Adina Date: 2004-04-21 01:08:53
Link to this Comment: 9504 |
i have to say that i agree with reggie that there is almost nothing quite as horrible as suffering from chronic stress. i am usually a relatively stress-free person, but sometimes the chronic stress kicks in. i can usually get up for class and eat, but other than that all i can do is mope around and feel miserable. i also tend to sleep a lot and get cranky. the only thing i can think of to keep these cycles from happening is to make sure that everything gets done on time and to try to convince myself that everything will in fact be ok. i need to catch myself in the early stages of this before it can get too bad and convince myself that these small problems are unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-22 08:53:54
Link to this Comment: 9542 |
I definitely see that most of us tend to feel more stressed out if stress becomes a topic of conversation. I also agree that we need to really take what Reggie said to heart--that most of the stress is acute stress that will eventually pass; it is not the end of the world (although it can sometimes feel like it, I think).
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-22 14:50:58
Link to this Comment: 9546 |
I agree that we need to be more conscious that it is acute stress, and therefore, it will go away or be dealt with eventually. I also don't think that this is an easy thing to rationalize nor do i feel like I am encouraged to see it that way. I think it would be a good idea to hold more stress management workshops and/or opportunities. I am not talking about the deep breathing bit, that gets old once you've been through it a couple of times. But maybe more dialogue and honesty about what really is stressing us out, in a safe and comfortable space where collectively and individually we can talk about our experiences while at the same time developing methods for being proactive about managing this stress
Living in Community
Name: Amy Campbe Date: 2004-04-22 20:17:21
Link to this Comment: 9558 |
Professor Martin talked about community, defining it and how communities shape us and how we shape our communities. Why is it important to shape a community and with so many 'communities' at Bryn Mawr, is it possible to shape all those you where are a member?
Name: Katie Feno Date: 2004-04-26 10:38:00
Link to this Comment: 9600 |
I think that just by being a part of a community and contributing to it means that you have shaped/affected it in some way. Naturally, some will change things more than others, but we all have an impact on the the things we are involved in and the people around us.
Name: Paula Arbo Date: 2004-04-26 21:46:51
Link to this Comment: 9618 |
It is important to shape a community because it is a way of gaining access to that community in a way that is active and productive. The importance of community is both undermined and heightened simultaneously precisely because so many communitites exist. It is possible to influence all the communitites one is a part of, but this influence is complicated because different communities may hold different values, attitudes, and goals.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-27 19:42:37
Link to this Comment: 9651 |
I think that it is very important to help shape the community that you live because that's one of the few ways that you can feel that you belong. Once you enter a community, it is necesary to find your place and feel that you have some say. At Bryn Mawr, there are a lot of communities for the students to belong and it's easier for students to have impact in their smaller communities than to have impact on the entire Bryn Mawr community.
Name: Keta Date: 2004-04-27 19:44:59
Link to this Comment: 9652 |
I completely agree with Paula when she said that things get complicated when there are many communites in on place that have conflicting ideas and values. I guess that that was what I was trying to get at when I said that it was easier to have influence on the smaller communities that you arte involved in.
Name: Paula Date: 2004-04-28 14:43:37
Link to this Comment: 9665 |
In response to Keta's comments, it is definitely much easier to impact and shape a smaller community than it is to shape either a larger one or transcend all the smaller ones. At the same time, however, as members of a community within a community, it is our responsibility to try to engage other smaller communities. Often times, we become so focused and active in a particular community that we fail to recognize and support other communities and their efforts. Solidarity and cross community participation and collaboration are essential for the development of a stronger sense of community overall.
Name: Katie Date: 2004-04-29 09:57:27
Link to this Comment: 9680 |
I most defintely agree with Paula about small communities often failing to support other communites. While it is sometimes easier to impact a small community, I think it can also be more intimidating and difficult to become a part of the community in the first place. Some communities become so wrapped in what they are doing, that they (often inadvertently) become super selective.
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