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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

"Keep Me Posted" list for 07-11-2006

Once a day, just after midnight, Serendip makes a record of forum postings so you can easily see where new postings have occurred. You can click on any of the posting titles below to go directly to the full posting.

New Postings in Forum "About . . . Serendip" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Evolution and Intelligent Design" - 2 new postings
Darwin was a Murderer
nonrandom variation

New Postings in Forum "Place of the US in the World Community - Nov 04" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Testing, Testing: 1, 2, 3" - 3 new postings
july 3rd
second test

New Postings in Forum "Transformations" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "The Physical and the Spiritual" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Thinking About Segregation and Integration" - 1 new postings
Segregation and Integration Exhibit

New Postings in Forum "Film: Brokeback Mountain" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Video Game Experiences" - 1 new postings
Online Psychology Thesis on Video Game Addiction

New Postings in Forum "Science As Story Telling" - 5 new postings
some additional voices ...
Teaching younger students
Thoughts about Science as Story Telling and Younger Children
science as storytelling
science as storytelling

New Postings in Forum ""Getting It Less Wrong"" - 2 new postings
a new way to say/see it?
some additional voices ...

New Postings in Forum ""I am, and I think, therefore ... "" - 1 new postings
Nothing makes sense

New Postings in Forum "Science and Spirit" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Film: An Inconvenient Truth" - 2 new postings
Fuzzy science
Fuzzy science (grammer corrections)

New Postings in Forum "Brain and Behavior Institute 2006" - 87 new postings
Getting started ...
Gayle Whittle-My Life So Far
Summer Institute 2006
My Story
About me....
No subject
About me...
Short Bio
About me
Institute 2006
No subject
No subject
This morning
First Session Thoughts
my two cents
Story telling and story revising in the elementary classroom
Science as Storytelling
science as storytelling
science as stories
reactions to morning session and story telling
Monday 7/10 am session
pro/con re science & revising
science story
reactions to morning session and story telling
Science & revising
Story Telling
Science as a story
questions,no answers
Science as a story
Ant Farm
Langton's Ant
langston"s ant
Langton's Ant
Langston's Ant
doing something different
L's Ant
Langton's Ant OF MADNESS
Galaxies collide
Inside and Outside Experiment
Do I have Time?
Ants with out a director
Time to Think
Laura's Theme (Ants)
More Ants.....UGH!
Integration & Segregation Model
Missing postings
Langton's Ant
Langton's Ant
Members of Society
from day 1
Members of Society
addendum to day 1 reflections
Am I awake???
Yes, Brain
My Brain...your Brain...
brain thoughts
the brain and Emily
Emily Dickinson
All About Me
Brain Talk
Brain and Nervous system
No subject
brain is everything
Emily's story
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
All in the brain
the brain and nervous system
My Brain Their Brain Our Brain....
Inputs, outputs, etc.
Brain in classroom
The World Inside the Brain?

New Postings in Forum "The World of Langton's Ant" - 9 new postings
No subject
langton's ant
Langton's Ant
langton's ant
langton's ant
No subject
No subject
pedagogy in the classroom

New Postings in Forum "Culture as Disability" - 1 new postings
Wheelchair Stuff

New Postings in Forum "Measure For Measure" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Brain and Behavior" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Sleepwalking Experiences" - 2 new postings
Healing is Free - Someone On This Site Will Be Healed!!
Satan (thebeast himself)

New Postings in Forum "With Friends Like These ..." - 1 new postings

Click here to see the index of "Keep Me Posted" lists for each day.

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