Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
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New Postings in Forum "Evolution and Intelligent Design" - 13 new postings
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Who's Intelligent Design?
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ID vs. Evolution
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Intellectual Authority
What's the problem?
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Intelligent Design vs Evolution
Accommodating evolution in religion
Usability and multiplicity
I beliefs in science and God
New Postings in Forum "Film: Brokeback Mountain" - 1 new postings
great dissertation topic
New Postings in Forum "English 207" - 2 new postings
response for tues. class
New Postings in Forum "Biology 202 Spring 2006" - 4 new postings
The Brain's Language
Conscious pain?
Action Potential and Orgasms
New Postings in Forum "Philosophy of Science 2006" - 1 new postings
week 5
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