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New Postings in Forum "McBride Community" - 1 new postings
hello from a last year senior McBride
New Postings in Forum ""I am, and I think, therefore ... "" - 2 new postings
I think not...
New Postings in Forum "Science and Spirit" - 1 new postings
spirits material
New Postings in Forum "College Seminar 2005" - 18 new postings
Dennett, Darwin, and the meaning of life
Dennetts acid test
Darwin's idea
Chance has no memory.
willingness to revise
Darwin's Dangerous Idea
The Greatness, Rareness, Muchness, Fewness of This Precious Only Endless World
brushfire fairtytales, itsy bitsy diamond wells, big fat hurricaines, yellow bellied given names
No subject
Impossibly Subjective
No subject
No subject
Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea
New Postings in Forum "Sex and Gender" - 4 new postings
scary bio
No subject
well that wasn't soooo bad
No subject
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