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"Keep Me Posted" list for 03-21-2005

Once a day, just after midnight, Serendip makes a record of forum postings so you can easily see where new postings have occurred. You can click on any of the posting titles below to go directly to the full posting.

New Postings in Forum "Education and Technology on Serendip" - 17 new postings
Technolgy and Education
Crit. Issues #4: Technology!!! Home vs. School?
Critical Issues Reflection 4 - how technology connects the masses
Technology in a Student's Life
Technology and Students
Student use of Technology
It's Natural
Technology in 2005
Reflection #4
Serendip Web Principles to Realize
Response to Reflections
Technology is everywhere
Reflection #4: Technology
Reflection Response
Reflecting on Responses

New Postings in Forum "Story of Evolution/Evolution of Stories 05" - 6 new postings
No subject
Cycles in Middlesex
No subject
No subject
a continuous story? free well vs genetics

New Postings in Forum "Education 225 - Ongoing Conversation" - 1 new postings
question for classmates

New Postings in Forum "Beauty: A Course and a Conversation" - 11 new postings
Gatsby Malady Survival
Seeing in a different way?
seeing in a different way?
Susan Levine's "Beauty Treatment"
the kitten
Don't put me in a box
Distance of Beauty
so, it's all art after all
"the poor tortured drowned kitten"
Levine & Kirchwey

New Postings in Forum "Biology 202 spring 2005" - 10 new postings
No subject
Gender Differences
Internal Experience
No subject
No subject
No subject
the story of X

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 10 new postings
No subject
Dare to Compete Response
Week 1 second response
Rocks with Wings
reply to replies about Daisy
Personal Best response
Response to A League of Their Own
response to responses for Pumping Iron II
league of their own comment #2
Rocks with Wings, second response

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 7 new postings
Rock With Wings, 1st post
Pumping Iron II
Rocks with Wings-Post 2
A League of Their Own, 1st post
A Hero for Daisy, post 2
Pumping Iron II, post 2
Rock with Wings, 2nd post

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 7 new postings
Rocks with Wings
Devons Comments
Devons Final comments
No subject
Secondary response
No subject
Rocks with Wings 2

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 15 new postings
Pumping Iron make-up response
Rocks with wings response 1
Pumping Iron 2-response 2
Rocks with Wings
Personal Best 1&2
League 2
Pumping Iron 2 Responses 1 &2
Rocks with wings
Rocks with Wings 1
Rocks with wings 2
Dare to Compete 2
Personal Best makeup response I and II
Rocks 1 and 2
League of their own response II
Hero for daisy II

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 1 new postings
Rocks with Wings

New Postings in Forum "Women Sport and Film - Spring 2005" - 19 new postings
Rocks with Wings -2
Personal Best & Dare To Compete Responses (Comment 2)
Personal Best & Dare To Compete Responses (Comment 2)
No subject
Week 6 Comment 1
Week 6 Comment 2
Week 3 Hero For Daisy Comment 1
Week 4 "A League of their Own" Comment 1
Week 5 "Pumpint Iron II" Comment 1
Rocks With Wings (1)
No subject
rocks with wings
Rocks With Wings (2)
Pumping Iron II Comment 2
Hero for Daisy Comment 2
A League of their own comment 2
League of Their Own-2
Hero for Daisy-2
Dare to Compete-2

New Postings in Forum "Women Living Well 2005 - Group A" - 1 new postings

New Postings in Forum "Women Living Well 2005 - Group B" - 1 new postings
No subject

New Postings in Forum "Brown Bag 2004 - 2005" - 2 new postings
Lab visit

Click here to see the index of "Keep Me Posted" lists for each day.

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