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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

"Keep Me Posted" list for 11-08-2004

Once a day, just after midnight, Serendip makes a record of forum postings so you can easily see where new postings have occurred. You can click on any of the posting titles below to go directly to the full posting.

New Postings in Forum "Women, Sport, and Film 2004 - Billie Jean King" - 2 new postings
A League of Their Own
movie two

New Postings in Forum "Women, Sport, and Film 2004 - Constance Applebee" - 1 new postings
A League of Their Own

New Postings in Forum "Education and Technology on Serendip" - 17 new postings
No subject
3 response questions
3 response questions
edu. and the web
3 Questions
Initial Thoughts
What's our Goal?
First Response
3 Questions
No subject
3 Questions
3 questions
How does it work?
Education and Technology
3 Questions

New Postings in Forum "Place of the US in the World Community - Nov 04" - 3 new postings
Long-term vs short-term views
children are the most compelling reason for marriage equality
No subject

New Postings in Forum "Knowing the Body: Gender Politics" - 4 new postings
Marriage and the Ideal Family
Marriage what what?
Why bother?
Legislating Morality?

New Postings in Forum "Women, Sport, and Film 2004 - Mia Hamm" - 1 new postings
A League of Their Own

Click here to see the index of "Keep Me Posted" lists for each day.

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