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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

Quaker Writing Group Forum

This forum was created as a place for continuing a conversation about writing, which began at the annual conference of the Friends' Association of Higher Education, held at Haverford College in June 2005. A Quaker writing group shared their experiences of having spent a year reading and responding to one another's writing. They invite you to join their conversation here, and to extend it: what experiences have you had in writing, in private, in public? What various ways might we further one another's explorations in this realm?

Comments are posted in the order in which they are received, with earlier postings appearing first below on this page. To see the latest postings, click on "Go to last comment" below.

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Name: Anne Dalke
Date: 2005-06-16 15:38:05
Link to this Comment: 15348

You are warmly welcome here to join a conversation in process, one which has as many questions as answers, as many dissatisfactions as satisfactions. I keep wanting, trying (and finding myself frustrated in my inability) to make public the good discussion friends and I have been having about our writing: to move it beyond a treasured private conversation to a place where others can see and be enriched by it--and where our small community can be enlarged by other perspectives which differ from our own.

So--here's an open invitation to join in and extend the talking about how we write, and how we might help one another along in our writing.

Old Quaker Letters
Name: Paul Porte
Date: 2005-08-25 17:32:37
Link to this Comment: 15920

I realize this is a little off point from this forum's interest but perhaps someone will have a thought or special interest.

I possess a sheaf of original old Quaker letters from the late 1700's and early 1800's. They revolve around the Hough clan in Pennsylvania and Virginia plus other places and people. There are a few documents that are not strictly letters; a bill of sale, a death plea, debate votes, etc..

The letters are hard to read directly for content. The challenge is a combination of varied spellings, fancy script, old missing unreadable parts and not understanding the language of the time. I could use some tips on understanding the language used.

I do a small amount of personal writing (largely fiction) plus attended a Friend's church for a few years, so I feel a kinship interest to this group. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Porter

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