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Women Living Well: Mind and Body Connection Forum

Comments are posted in the order in which they are received, with earlier postings appearing first below on this page. To see the latest postings, click on "Go to last comment" below.

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Name: Amy Campbe
Date: 2004-03-17 13:55:09
Link to this Comment: 8854

1. Introduce yourself to your e-forum

2. How do you define "Living Well" What are some of the obstacles that prevent you from reaching your "living well' state and what are things that suppport your efforts? How as a community, can we better support 'living well' as a central part of the campus culture?

Name: Natalie
Date: 2004-03-21 13:07:22
Link to this Comment: 8924

Hi. My Name is Natalie Inozil. Living Well means being spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy. When these areas are are in sync then you are living well. Anything can throw your balance out of whack, from stress, fatigue, to waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Surrounding my self with positive people and thoughts helps keep these sectors in sync. I'm my immediate group of friends I support it by being a good friend. I'm there for my friends when they need a shoulder, need someone to make them laugh, or just need some one to bug out with.

Name: Elsa Marve
Date: 2004-03-21 23:20:30
Link to this Comment: 8932

Hi, my name is Elsa and I'm a sophomore from Boston (Jamaica Plain).

I guess that my first reaction to "living well" is that it means being healthy and taking care of yourself. Taking that further, I think that there are many different things that contribute to living well; how you eat, how well rested you are, whether or not your happy, and being fit. I don't think that I live well while I'm at Bryn Mawr, but I do think I live pretty well while I'm at home. Here at school, I have bad sleeping habits, I only eat carbs and deserts (and not many vegetables or proteins), I'm always stressed out, I don't have much time, I'm not always happy, and I don't get that much exercise because I don't make time for it or don't think that I have enough time. My wellness comes last while I'm at school, because there's always something to do that gets priority over taking care of myself. I don't think I do that much to live well (at least, not successfully).

I don't know what we can do to better support living well. I think a lot of people here are too distracted by other things going on in their lives to make a commitment to living well. I think having a PE class like this might help, but it's tough to get the message to a lot of Mawrters that there are things besides work that are important. Besides, I feel like there are already a lot of things in place to make sure that Mawrters are living well such as the health center, counseling services, the deans, PE classes, workshops about stress, eating disorders, and so on (and some of them, PE for example, are mandatory). The one thing that I think could stand improvement is our food. I wish that we had better fruits and vegetables in the dining halls.

Sorry that this post is kinda long...

2nd response
Name: Natalie
Date: 2004-03-24 11:06:29
Link to this Comment: 8980

I agree that at Bryn Mawr there is not enough hours in the day to "live well." But I try to make it a priority. What is the point of working so hard in undergraduate, if we are not going reape the benefits in the future. It is difficult to reap the full benefits of your hard work, if you are not "living Well" to enjoy them.

living well
Name: Jessica
Date: 2004-03-24 11:23:13
Link to this Comment: 8981

My name is Jessica Knapp and I am a senior, originally from Hollywood, FL.I live in Batten House and spend a significant amount of time working in North Philadelphia with an anti-poverty group.

To me, living well means feeling healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Besides the obvious things like fitness and a balanced diet, I also consider emotional well-being and healthy relationships as a part of living well. I also feel that a sense of purpose in the world is important to living well. That might sound a little corny, but I do think that it's important for everyone to feel like their lives mean something in the larger sphere.

SOme obstacles, particularly in this community, involve academic and extracurricular pressure. It is so, so difficult for students to feel like they can take a moment for themselves or for their friendships and not feel guilty about it. I feel that there is a sense of competition on this campus as to who works the most on their academics.

Rather than focusing on this competition, I think that we should all encourage one another to chill out, take it easy every once in a while, rather than just talking about how much work we have.

Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-03-28 22:21:14
Link to this Comment: 9044

My name is Faye McGrath, a senior philosophy major. I live off-campus, Erdman is my favorite dorm, and I volunteer at the CDO.

For me, living well is all about sleep - the more I have of it, the better I feel. Unfortunately, sleep is the one luxury that I have to forgo in my pursuit of everything else in my life, like class and work. Of course, my mattress calls to me nightly, so I can't really ignore sleep for to long.Additionally, I think that being content with what I have goes a long way towards the goal of living well. I mean, can you really say that you are living well, when you have a buring desire to have something or do something? I think that would drive me nuts - a state far from living well.

Hmmm, as for the community? I think that's a toughie . . . In my view, the culture of BMC promotes a very ambitious, go-getting attitude. Sleep is often viewed as the enemy, since it takes away from work time. The if-I-don't-sleep-I-can-finish-this-paper-in-time-for-class mentality hurts us all. The prevailing belief about the serious need for sleep needs to change, and then we can all live well.

Date: 2004-03-30 01:04:37
Link to this Comment: 9070

Hi, I'm Kat McCormick, and I'm a Junior biology major.

I think that living well is an act of balancing future goals with current enjoyment. This applies to all areas of our lives here, from academics to our physical health. We make sacrifices and efforts in our academic lives in the current moment so that we can have the benefit of cultural capital and a degree later on. At the same time, to be "living well" it seems we must also be enjoying the time we spend here now, although it is an investment for our future. Likewise, our health in the future is dependent on what we do now, but that doesn't mean we spend all of our time obsessing about how to keep the body in the best health. we use it ( and misuse it) in ways that we enjoy.

Personally, the biggest barrier to my own goal of living well is an overloaded off-campus work schedule at a job that I find stressful but occasionally rewarding. The amount of time I invest there does not seem to be in sync with the rest of my life.

Name: F. McGrath
Date: 2004-03-31 06:29:35
Link to this Comment: 9100

I would have to say that I definitely agree with Kat on all of her points. I too suffer from an off-campus job that does not really mesh with the rest of my life. But it pays well, so I endure.

Additionally, I do think that living well is the balance of current pain and future enjoyment and its converse - future pain balanced against current enjoyment. Sometimes, one side of this see-saw battle to "live well" wins out and we will have either a really good day or a really bad one.

Name: Quinn Fiel
Date: 2004-03-31 07:57:36
Link to this Comment: 9101

Hello, my name is Quinn Fields and in my opinion Living Well means to completey take care of yourself. This means not only to exercise and to eat well but also to get enough rest, have minimal stress and to just be "happy". There are many factors that can prevent someone from reaching a living well state. The number one factor is stress. Stress can cause people to lose sleep, eat too much or too little , and to neglect/mistreat their bodies (i.e. not exercise, smoke). My friends and family are my support system. They help to keep me centered and stress free.

Week 2 Balance
Name: Amy Campbe
Date: 2004-04-02 12:59:00
Link to this Comment: 9131

Professor Cassidy talked about the importance of a positive emotional state and how it can have a strong impact on cognitive development, how we make decisions, discern connections, the ability to think broadly about issues etc. What are some examples of how you have experienced the benefits of a positive emotional state and how, as a small class, might be able to support a cultural shift which reflects the importance of balance in the lives of students. What is one thing you could do, each day-each week, which would encourage positive emotional balance in your life and in the lives of your friends??

Name: Elsa
Date: 2004-04-05 00:21:10
Link to this Comment: 9158

I don't have one specific example as to how a positive emotional state has been beneficial, it's true that when I'm in a negative emotional state, I tend to want to ignore my responsibilities, or get really negatively stressed out, and when I'm in a positive emotional state, I am more motivated to do things and am less easily stressed about work load, obstacles, problems, etc.

As for a cultural shift, I have any specific advice. I guess that on a day-to-day basis, the suggestion of having personal time where you're just doing something for yourself is a very good one. Another thing that I think could promote positive emotional balance (and works for me) is making sure to get out of the bi-co at least once a week, even if it's only to go into Bryn Mawr town, or the city. I think that putting some distance between school and yourself is important, especially since we do everything on this campus, which makes it hard to stop thinking about school and workload.

Name: Kat McCorm
Date: 2004-04-05 13:49:51
Link to this Comment: 9170

I can't think of any large scale examples, but I know that after I excercise or watch a favorite movie, it's much easier to feel positive about my life in general, and makes me want to share it with those I love- these are often the times that I call my family or friends, because I'm relaxed enough to listen, and proud of the life that I'm leading. Being in a positive emotional state opens up opportunities within the realm of possibility that I wouldn't ordinarily notice.

I think one thing that I do on campus to encourage balance in both my life and the lives of my friends is eat long dinners together. We take time from our busy schedules to nourish ourselves, and fill each other in on our days. For me, this gives a feeling that there is something more to what we do here than just our studies, and we can take long oppurtunites to relaxa nd be social and process our days.

positive emotional state
Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-05 16:30:09
Link to this Comment: 9174

I think one of the easiest ways I try to keep a positive emotional state is just to let what I am thinking or feeling out. I say what I want to say, and I tell people when something bothers me. I have found that keeping things bottled up inside just creates an emotional rollercoaster inside that I can't stop. It's better for me to just let off some steam.

Also, I try to laugh as much as possible. Most of my movies are comedies - I think that its a great way to unwind and put yourself in a positive frame of mind.

As for benefits? I feel more relaxed and able to get work done after I laugh. I don't hold stress inside because I let it out. Those are the biggest benefits for me.

Name: Alea Khan
Date: 2004-04-05 22:54:48
Link to this Comment: 9185

Hi, I'm Alea and I'm a sophomore psychology major. To me, one of the most important things is sleep. It is impossible to get anything done of value if you neglect sleep. If you can maintain a good sleep schedule you end up being more productive overall because you can fully devote your attention to your task. Also, you can save time complaining about how tired you are.

RE: Living Well?
Name: J'London H
Date: 2004-04-05 23:02:00
Link to this Comment: 9186


My name is J'London Hawkins and I am a rising Junior Philosophy Major.

The task of defining "living well" is a difficult one for me, as it much resembles the question of defining "normal". I don't think that anyone person can define living well. Living well in my terms is living a life that is fufilled and enjoyable. Although I do beleive that Bryn Mawr is an abnormally stressful environment, we as young adults are grappling with many of the same issues as our peers across the country at diverse institutions. I see this period in my life as one where I will define for myself my own concept of living well. Prior to coming to Bryn Mawr, many students live a life structured by family, school and other activities. This is our oppuritunity as adults to learn about ourselves, things that will be crucial to our success in life. At this point I am understanding how much sleep I need to be fully productive, what stressors incapicitate me and how to eat healthfully or suffer the consequences. Although these lessons come at the price of sleepless nights, tired days and agitated stomachs, they are utterly invaluable. This is a period where our lives are no longer micromanaged by "adults", we are the adults managing our own lives!

Understanding this, I wonder how or if my parents could have taught the lessons I am learning the hard way? Is the concept of "living well" one that can be taught? Or is it only truly developed and refined through experience?


J'London A. Hawkins

Name: Jessica Kn
Date: 2004-04-06 14:07:49
Link to this Comment: 9206

I think that I've spent much of my time here at Bryn Mawr struggling with balance, but I have always been conscious of the need for time on my own to do things that I love. I am someone who does get off campus, out of the bi-co, a lot, as I have a job in Philadelphia that demands a lot of my time. For me, this job has been both a source of stress and a relief of stress. I am doing work that I feel passionate about, social justice work, that is somewhat separate from my schoolwork, but it is still stressful to have to balance it. That's been the biggest difficulty for me.

In the past few months I've felt especially stessed, and this semester I feel like I haven't had ANY time for myself. After the discussion last Wednesday, I realized that I really do need to make time to ensure that I am in a positive mental state, and I can see how it would make me more productive.

I've found that being creative, either writing and journaling, or sewing, or painting, has been really helpful in destressing. It's great because I feel like I am doing something productive, but I am really enjoying. it.

Name: Natalie In
Date: 2004-04-06 16:25:02
Link to this Comment: 9208

I don't have one particular experience that is a testimony to positive emotional state and its benefits. Overall, I know when I'm in a positive emotional state I am able to cross things off my to do list in a timely fashion. While In a negative emotional state, I am easily agitated and less likely to accomplish my goals within my timeframe.

Everyday I do a couple of things a day to encourage positive emotional balance. It ranges from taking an extra 15 minutes in the shower to watching Law & Order with my friends (while playing UNO cards).

Name: Kat
Date: 2004-04-07 11:44:32
Link to this Comment: 9230

After looking through everyone's postings, it is easy to see how positive emotional states can enhance our lives, and even plainer that negative emotional states inhibit our productivity as well as our enjoyment of life.

Also, it seems that everyone has personal stratagies for enhancing enjoyment, but it is difficult to come up with any community wide methods of doing so. I think the key is in changing our attitudes towards how we work.We must begin to think of the work we do here not as something that is forced upon us, unwilling, but as something we choose as a means to an end. With this comes the realization that we make choices about everything we spend our time on, and we can choose to put aside work and take time for other things. I think realizing that each person is in control of his or her own life, and what they choose to do with it, helps the development of a positive emotional state.

A bit late...
Date: 2004-04-07 12:45:41
Link to this Comment: 9233

Hello everyone -- I'm Kat Macdonald (another one!), and I'm a junior English major.

I feel that to be "Living Well" is to be healthy, mostly sane, and generally enjoying oneself (under the umbrella of "healthy" and "mostly sane", natch). An obstacle that prevents _me_ from reaching this state is the Bryn Mawr craziness -- you know, keep up with the work, go to all your classes, start forgetting what sunlight looks like...

Supporting my efforts is the time I take for myself to relax, go out, or just let myself have fun with my work. As a community, I think we should have more opportunities to do just that.

still responding to first one...
Name: Kat Macdon
Date: 2004-04-07 12:51:14
Link to this Comment: 9234

I agree with Jessica about the guilt issue at work in the Bryn Mawr environment. There's always the feeling that if you're not doing work, then you're doing something wrong. And when that "wrong" thing happens to be taking care of yourself or your relationships with others, then Bryn Mawr students get pulled into a lifestyle of unhealthiness.

still spamming the list...
Name: Kat Macdon
Date: 2004-04-07 12:59:35
Link to this Comment: 9235

Experiencing a positive emotional state means I can think more clearly about what I need to do and what I am doing, I can accomplish things faster, and I feel more content with the results of my work/the working process. As a class, we may be able to support a cultural shift toward balance by... actually, I think it'd be great if we had chess sets and checkerboards in most public spaces. It encourages people to play and communicate with others, and can also be a basis for an interactive community of players/watchers. And I also think (while I'm on the subject of impossible dreams) that the student community as a whole would benefit from a couple of swingsets somewhere on campus, for the sole purpose of play. If we had a swingset, it would give the message that, yes, it's okay to do something that has no other benefit except for being _fun_ (although we in the class would of course be aware of the additional benefits of fun itself).

What I could do for my life and others lives... it's a difficult question, I think. The best I think I can do is to make sure I talk to people, _not_ about schoolwork, but about just about anything else.

last one...
Name: Kat Macdon
Date: 2004-04-07 13:04:26
Link to this Comment: 9236

I agree with those of you who said movies were a good way to unwind -- I think one of the most important services Bryn Mawr provides is our weekly movie showings. They get you out of your room, amongst other people, and give you an opportunity to sit back and enjoy something with no other obligations in mind.

Another Aspect of Living Well
Name: J'London H
Date: 2004-04-07 20:02:25
Link to this Comment: 9240


Another aspect of living well which should be addressed is surrounding yourself with positive people. I beleive that not only is it necessary to eat a healthy diet, excercise and lead a balanced life, you should also have positive social interactions. I sometimes beleive that the Bryn Mawr environment stifles positive social interaction. Although we are baraged with emails daily about happenings on campus, our main core group of emotional group becomes our emotional support. We need these people for mutual affirmation and advice and simply company. I think a huge of living well is choosing your friends.

I made excellent choices.:)


J'London A. Hawkins

positive emotional state
Name: suhali
Date: 2004-04-09 13:11:28
Link to this Comment: 9254

for me the easiest way to acheive a positive emotional state isto alway to what makes me happy. i like things that re fun and uplifting and i try to do something like that each day so i wont be bombarded with negative energy. also i find that if you surround youself with people that you care about, and those that care about you, you end up being a lot happier than if you didn't. another thing that helps me is remaining stress free, i dont let little trivial things get me down because i try to look at the big picture, which helps to put things in perspective. being in a positive emotional state truly does help me improve my school work, also i am more awake and want to do more when i am happy.

Fitness week 3
Name: Amy Campbe
Date: 2004-04-11 19:58:14
Link to this Comment: 9268

Jody Law presented a good over view of why fitness is an important component of balance. What are the things that help suppport your own fitness routine and what are things that present a challenge? How (realistically) can the challenges be over come?

Name: Kat McCorm
Date: 2004-04-12 03:24:56
Link to this Comment: 9279

As far as things that support my own fitness routine, I have two words: BUDDY SYSTEM. It's so much easier to make it to the gym if there is someone else going with you. I suspect I am not the only one who has found this.

I think the biggest barrier to physical fitness is not having a routine- I know at times it hasn't been a priority of mine to have a fitness routine, just thinking that I'll get in enough excercize here and there, and go to the gym when I have the time. But, as it turns out, blocking out the time and making a plan is really half the battle.

Week 3
Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-13 15:39:47
Link to this Comment: 9340

Hmmm, how does one answer this question when they don't have a fitness routine? I walk more than any other kind of physical exercise, but it is very erratic and dependent upon everything else in my life. How an I arve out the time to exercise when I barely have enough time to eat?

Friends help, of course, in making the effort to go to the gym, but not always. I think one of the greatest ways that the challenge to make time would be to create a dedicated schedule for any exercise, but I am not the type to follow a schedule with any sort of dedication. in the end, I think it comes down to a matter of will. Either you have the strenght to make fitness a part of your life, or you simply don't.

Name: Suhali Kun
Date: 2004-04-13 22:41:56
Link to this Comment: 9351

for me the easiest way to stay fit is to eat the right foods, doesnt mean dieting though. i dont like dieting because i feel that you stop yourself from eating fods you like, but when you loose that weight you will just go back to eating the same things, when you have forced your body to not like them.
also i think exercising is key, but in brynmawr it's impossible. the gym is way too far away and, with everything else that is goin on there isnt motivation to trek all the way across campus for an hour. i think if i was in another place i would be able to go, but here people just dont care about what you look like enough. meaning if they care alittle bit more about appearance i think students would feel more compelled to get fit and healthy.

Week 3 b
Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-14 02:09:19
Link to this Comment: 9357

Now, while I agree with you, Suhali, that the gym is way too far away, I don't think that we can use that as an excuse. The point of going to the gym is to exercise, and isn't is even better that we already have some by the time that we arrive? granted, I shouldn't be allowed to make this argument, because I have used it reasoning far to many times in the past to avoid going. :) Also, I completely agree with you that BMC has a I-don't-care-what-you-look-like policy that helps to discourage gym usage. But, I have to say that policy has come in handy for those times I went to class or dinner after being up 48 hours straight for paper writing.

Name: Kat Macdon
Date: 2004-04-14 11:35:11
Link to this Comment: 9361

"What are the things that help suppport your own fitness routine and what are things that present a challenge? How (realistically) can the challenges be over come?"

Like Faye, I'm not sure I really have a fitness routine... I walk, and I would ride a bike if I had a bike... Actually, there's something right there. The library now provides bicycles for use by students, and I think I'm going to take advantage of that. I feel uncomfortable exercising in front of others, so the gym is kind of out, but having those bikes available will likely be a major contribution to my personal well-being and fitness.

Name: Kat Macdon
Date: 2004-04-14 11:37:38
Link to this Comment: 9362

I agree with you, Suhali; it's easier to eat right than to "diet." That's something I try to do conscientiously -- that's where my constant effort to live better really shows itself. Maybe exercising would be a good idea too, though...

Name: Natalie
Date: 2004-04-14 11:53:45
Link to this Comment: 9365

I make an effort to go to the gym at least three times a week. I go and read a magazine not school reading. That helps clear my mind and I feel less stressed afterward. School work at times keeps me away from the gym but when I go I am better equiped to take on the task.

Eating Right
Name: Natalie
Date: 2004-04-14 16:47:54
Link to this Comment: 9369

When I slack on my exercise I know it's okay because I eat healthy, a majority of the time. Like Suhali I don't believe in diets, but that doesn't mean I eat what I want when I want. My mother taught me everything is good in moderation.

Week 4 Good and Bad stress
Name: Amy Campbe
Date: 2004-04-15 12:18:20
Link to this Comment: 9385

Reggie led a conversation articulating the differences between good and bad stress and also acute and chronic stress. Patterns of behavior are established early on as freshmen at BMC - how can those patterns be changed to address the good suggestions made in the class to deal more effectively with stress? Is it possible to change to reduce the amount of stress students often say they are under? What will you do this week- next week to alleviate stress and enhance your positive mental state?

fitness 2
Name: Suhali
Date: 2004-04-19 22:48:06
Link to this Comment: 9450

Natlie thats awesome that you go to the gym three times a week, i agree with you it does distress you..i just wish i could have as much motivation....good job!!!

Name: Suhali
Date: 2004-04-19 22:55:28
Link to this Comment: 9451

i think that it is definately possible to change habits to improve one's weel being. i mean my habits changed when i got here. i used to sleep alot more when i was in highschool, and i see how important it was. so my plan is to get my work done as early as possible so i can get the most sleep as possible. also for me what really helps to get rid of bad stress is to hang out with your friends, doing something silly. the other day i went to the park and swung on a really helped because it gave me a chance to reflect on stuff that bryn mawr doesnt let you when your here.

Name: Kat
Date: 2004-04-20 00:37:08
Link to this Comment: 9457

I agree with Faye's posting from last week that we can't allow good eating habits to be our only investment in our physical health. But at the same time it is an integral part, and its better than nothing. On that front, our talk on physical fitness inspired me to start a swimming routine as the weather gets hotter. It felt really good to go be active in a way I hadn't in some time.

Name: Kat
Date: 2004-04-20 01:02:55
Link to this Comment: 9459

I think it is important that freshmen upon entering learn that this IS a culture of stress- but that some of that pressure is GOOD. And a lot of what determines what is good and bad stress is our attitude about it. When we talk about stress in the community, it seems like it is always in a negative light, as we have formerly discussed. But I'm sure that most upperclassen would agree that some amount of pressure is refining, and ultimately the challenge is somthing that we strive for. I think that a lot of the time, we socialize freshmen into feeling the stress and talking about it obsessively, without ever communicating WHY we talk about it- it is our may of measuring achievement and how far we have come.

Living Well
Name: Natalie I
Date: 2004-04-20 16:40:20
Link to this Comment: 9490

I think as an individual it is possible to change the amount of stress you are under. Part of the reasons people get stressed here is because they look at a task as extremely challenging. I look at a task and think more work that needs to get done but nonetheless it's very doable. If you think of every assignment as doable then all you have to worry about is getting it done. If you can't get it done on time you can always get an extension. (Not necessarily something I would suggest) But sometime you need refueling time and that means putting off something that needs to be done so that you are at a better mental state to take on the task.

Name: Jessica Kn
Date: 2004-04-20 21:37:13
Link to this Comment: 9497

I get so frustrated with the culture of stress that exists here at Bryn Mawr. I have seen it since my first day at Bryn Mawr, and it has become more and more oppressive to my well-being and to the well-being of my friends. There really is no need for the women at Bryn Mawr to be so obsessed with stress!

I think that this was mentioned previously, but I believe that if we begin to approach stress from a more optimistic standpoint, life here at Bryn Mawr would be a lot easier. Reggie mentioned that stress can be a good thing. I think that too often we assume that the absence of stress means absolute happiness. This kind of life is impossible. Perhaps if we start talking about stress differently, and de-emphasizing stress as a negative factor in our lives, things would start changing.

I know that the next two weeks will be very busy and demanding of students. I have a lot of things due this week and next week. I'm basically done with my academic career in two weeks! This could be a very stressful time for me, but I am just going to remember that I've come this far, and I've always finished insane amounts of work. It was relatively painless. Maybe by approaching my tasks and my work with a positive attitude, I can enjoy the academic aspects of Bryn Mawr.

Name: kat
Date: 2004-04-21 01:28:10
Link to this Comment: 9505

Natalie, I think your comments about considering work to be done in terms of volume rather than difficulty were particularly helpful to me, and I think they were very on the mark. Thanks for that new perspective!

Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-21 01:59:49
Link to this Comment: 9506

Well, my answer to anything stress related is simple - sleep. If I feel out of sorts, it is usually because I haven't slept well lately, or pulled too many all-nighters. So, I sleep more to try and make up for it, and that generally puts me in a better state of mental health. The stress just seems to melt away after a good night's rest.

The only thing that would help my future stress level would be to change my work habits, and I don't think that would change anytime soon. I need to stress to give me the impetus I need to do my work. Without it, I seriously doubt I would do anything at all.

2nd response
Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-21 11:05:41
Link to this Comment: 9517

Jessica said "Maybe by approaching my tasks and my work with a positive attitude, I can enjoy the academic aspects of Bryn Mawr."

Oh, how I wish I could do this! I don't have a positive attitude at all. Work is work, and there is nothing that would make me forgive, forget, and enjoy it. Instead, I wallow in the negative energy that surrounds my tasks and then burst free in exstatic joy upon finishing a project.

Name: Natalie
Date: 2004-04-21 11:17:08
Link to this Comment: 9518

Sleep is a good way to deal with stress. But sleep is also a behavior associated with depression. So the amount of sleep it takes to deal with a stressful situation should not exceed the amount of sleep you need to be fully functional.

Living in Community
Name: Amy Campbe
Date: 2004-04-22 20:18:48
Link to this Comment: 9559

Professor Martin talked about community, defining it and how communities shape us and how we shape our communities. Why is it important to shape a community and with so many 'communities' at Bryn Mawr, is it possible to shape all those you where are a member?

Name: Natalie In
Date: 2004-04-25 12:47:34
Link to this Comment: 9589

It' is important to shape the community you are a part of because to a certain extent, it is a reflection of you. So if you don't like what you see in your community you should do your best to fix it. When an outsider looks at your community, they automatically coin an image or notion that goes with that community. If you don't agree with the image then it's your responsiblilty to do something about it. Even if it mean being different from the other members of the group.

Name: Suhali
Date: 2004-04-27 19:56:59
Link to this Comment: 9653

to shape a community is important because it is a place where everyone lives and it is a way of having an unique special for yourself. you can shape any community that you choose to, i mean you can be part of all the communities but you dont necessarily have to shape them all. so i think you can shape all of bryn mawr's community if you wanted to, but it would take you a long time and alot of energy.

Name: Suhali
Date: 2004-04-27 20:00:15
Link to this Comment: 9654

i agree with you natalie..the community is almost an extention of your self and you should do anything to make it fit to what you like even though you might step on a few toes.

Name: Faye McGra
Date: 2004-04-28 00:31:33
Link to this Comment: 9656

It is important to shape our community because it is a large part of who you are. You are a piece of that community and you want it to work for your benefit. I do think that is possible to shape all communities that you are a part of, because any action you take (or inaction) has some consequence and impact on the group.

Name: Natalie In
Date: 2004-04-29 15:48:18
Link to this Comment: 9687

I think we do shape all the communities we are a member. Are action or inaction shapes the community implicitly or explicitly.

Name: Kat McCorm
Date: 2004-04-30 15:11:55
Link to this Comment: 9701

I think from our class discussions we learned that not only is it possible for you to shape all the communities you are a member of, it is IMpossible for you to not contribute to the shape of them. I tend to see al the little "communities" we have at Bryn Mawr as unified, because the memberships overlap to such a high degree. We are a small college, and it is hard to get two disjointed sets with such a small membership.

Name: Kat McCorm
Date: 2004-04-30 15:16:20
Link to this Comment: 9702

I think I overlooked something in my first posting, and that is that our inaction shapes communities as well. For example, if you think our community is apathetic, and you are not active in it because you think you cannot make a difference, then the apathy you are seeing is actually a reflection of yourself.

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