Topic: On Beyond Newton...

This forum area is intended for conversation triggered by
"Beyond Newton ...". Figuring out the general significance of material described and experienced there is everybody's business, as is thinking about what comes beyond it. So read what others have written, and add your own thoughts, whatever they are. Comments not meant to be posted can be sent by Serendip.

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Serendip's forums sometimes get longer than what can conveniently be accessed and displayed. They are, at the same time, in their entirety an important part of what Serendip has become at any given time (and, of course, particular contributions may well be of lasting significance). To try and balance needs for easy display and those of continuous and permanent record, only this year's forum comments are displayed on this page with earlier comments being preserved elsewhere. To go to the forum for prior years, click on the year below.

Year: - Current postings - 2000/2001 - 1998/1999 - 1997

Name: anonymous
Subject: TIME
Date: Thu Nov 6 06:52:14 EST 1997
Is our ability to keep track of time governed by a specialised clock mechanism inside the brain, or a by-product of memory and visual awareness?

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