- diffusion
- chemical reactions
- genetic regulation
- negative feedback in organisms
- negative feedback in ecosystems
- brownian motion
- oscillating chemical reactions
- cell cycle
- circadian rhythms
- positive feedback in action potentials, sex cycle
- population oscillation
boundedness - inside/outsideness
- assembly rules - covalent bonding
- hydrophilic/hydrophobic
- epithelia
- atoms
- molecules
- cell constituents
- cells
- cellular assemblies
- organisms
- populations
- terras?
improbable assemblies of improbable assemblies
combinatorial explosion
spatial organization/specificity
- enzyme structure
- organelle structure
- cell structure
- organ structure
- enzymes
- photosynthesis, fermentation, Krebs
- menstrual (?)
- carbon and geochemical
use improbablity to make improbability
- diffusion
- chemical reactions
- meiosis
- mutation
- immune system
- brain
specializaton (and interdependence)
- enzymes/info molecules vs ribozymes
- enzyme specificity (vs heat)
- prokaryotes vs eukaryotes
- multicellular organisms
- ecological niches
distributed control
adaptation vs self-organization
reproduction, history-dependence
energy transformation, matter recycling
things that can be developed but not constructed
- capillary beds
- interconnected neurons
- immune competence?
- relation to Turing, halting problem, history dependence, fractals
information accreting
Compare and contrast definitions of life and/or science in lecture/discussion and in Tobin and Dushek
Life .... ?
Living organism? How tell? Start with preconceptions ....
Practical problem .... life elsewhere in universe? ... how recognize?
A living organism is a ...
- semi-homeostatic
- semi-autonomous
- reproducing with variance
- energy-dependent
- varying and variable
- bounded
- highly improbable assembly .... of physical elements
And if see just one, in space suit (like oneself) ...?
LIFE is an interacting and interdependent array of diverse living organisms
at multiple scales
- interacting boxes each made up of interacting boxes each made up of ...
- requires study at multiple levels of organization ranging from atoms through molecules, molecular assemblies, cells, cellular assemblies, organisms, populations, ecosystems
each with substantial "fit" to its surroundings
and substantial variation both at any given time and over time.
Where does "fit" come from? Why persisting variability and change? Accident ...imperfection?
LIFE is an ongoing process of exploration, of generating and testing hypotheses about the surroundings.
Evolution: - dependent on prior observations and random change ("creativity"?!), selection ("experiment")
- no perfect organism ("Truth")
- no "mistakes", only hypotheses, which influence one another